Chapter 13

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The rest of the day, I tried to stay out of dodge, even going as far as eating lunch in my car. I was afraid Sasha would have something else in store for me if I stayed in the cafeteria.

"I hate that she's punking you this way," Mindy said through a mouthful of cheeseburger. "She's not going to do anything else to hurt you, I guarantee it. Not with us around."

"What about when you're not around?" I signed as Ana translated.

Mindy paused. Ana looked uncomfortable that she didn't have an answer. After a few awkward moments of them exchanging glances, Mindy said, "We'll find a way not to let that happen. Right, Ana?"

"Yeah," Ana said firmly. "Come on. I'm not gonna let her force you to run away."

We exited my car and walked back toward the school. My heart pounded in anticipation as we walked down the halls and into the cafeteria. The guys were already at our table, laughing and enjoying lunch.

My eyes scanned for any sign of Sasha and Grey. They were at their table. Sasha didn't seem to notice me, but Grey certainly did.

Sasha directed her attention towards him, and her eyes followed his gaze, but he caught her chin with his hand and brought her lips to his. Disgusted, I turned away and sat next to Andy.

"Where were you guys?" Blake asked.

"Hazel was hiding in her car to avoid Sasha," Ana said.

"Yeah, this chick threatened Hazel earlier," Mindy added. "So let's all try to escort her to classes if it's possible."

"Sasha is such a loser," Andy said and scoffed. "I'll help you out, Hazel. She's not going to bully you."

I'm so glad Andy followed through on his word. In my last-period class, none of my close friends were in it, so Andy texted me to wait for him. Sitting there for a bit, I heard chattering outside the door. I got up to see Sasha and her friends standing there. One of them, Lola, pulled out her phone and held it like she was filming or taking photos of me.

Though Sasha was standing at the door, the sounds from the hallway were loud. The camera faced her as I could slightly make out her say, "Inside is Mutey, who is going to issue an apology to me. I will sign to you what 'Sorry' is in ASL, as Grey taught me." Hearing that Grey was involved made my stomach churn angrily. She signed to the camera 'Sorry' and spun around to make eye contact with me.

I tensed, waiting for their approach, but then I heard Andy's beautiful voice in the hallway. "Get the hell away from her."

Sasha scowled and snapped, "This is none of your business. Back off."

"I'm not going to repeat myself. Get. Away. From. Her." Andy isn't as intimidating as Grey, but he's still taller than her and her friends and in decent shape. Not saying that meant anything, but to them, it did.

Sasha backed off, frowning as she went, her and her friends insulting him with profanity and other unkind things as they sulked off.

Andy appeared in the doorway. "You okay?" I hugged him tightly before nodding. He sighed and whispered, "It's okay, Hazel."

Andy walked me to the parking lot, where another sight caused my stomach to churn.

Grey was leaned against my car, with his arms folded. He deliberately ignored accusations Ana, Mindy, and Blake were throwing at him that I heard as we got within earshot.

"Does it make you feel more manly to pick on someone who can't talk?" Ana said harshly.

Grey pushed past them and towards me. Andy acted as a barrier, standing between Grey and me. "Back off."

Little Sweet Dreamer - Wattys Editionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن