Chapter 11

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The door twisted slightly until Grey's face peeked in from behind it.

"Hazel, I'm so sorry," he said. "I had no idea she would do that."

I stood there, unmoving. Grey looked like he expected me to say something, but I refused to move my hands from their fists at my sides. More tears dripped down my face, only making me angrier. I didn't want to cry in front of him.

He asked, "Sasha did show me the messages, though. Why were you treating her like that?"

"I haven't done anything to her," I signed angrily. "I don't know what she's talking about. And for her to read my poem about my father... I didn't deserve that!"

"Hazel, I understand you're upset, but you are the one who started with Sasha—"

"I did not!" I took an angry step toward him. "Sasha approached me in the cafeteria and called me a name. I didn't do anything to her to provoke it. If anything, you did!"

"Me?" he asked, insulted. "How is this my fault?"

"Whatever attention you gave to me threatened her. She told me not to get any ideas about her man and then called me an awful name."

"What did she call you?"

"M-U-T-E-Y," I signed.

"So because of that, you sent her those text messages?"

"I didn't send her anything!"

He ran his hands through his hair. "Let's say Sasha did say that to you, and you didn't send those messages, aren't you mute and proud or something?"

"Proud?!" I snapped—an angry scream escaped my chest, making his eyes widen, and his mouth open slightly. My hands pushed into the center of his chest, and he lost balance, falling onto his butt.

He stared at me from the floor, mouth agape, as I signed, "You are the stupidest person I've ever met. Sahsa has you wrapped around her fingers."

He stood up as I continued, "I watched my dad get shot before me. His killer took him away with one tiny bullet. And you let her make a joke of it in front of everybody. You've blindly believed her. I don't even have her number!"

He said nothing and swallowed hard.

"I hate you both," I signed. "Now, let me out." He hesitated, his eyes lost. "Now!"

I managed to find my way back to the central part of the house. My friends sat outside on the lawn, waiting for me. All their phones were in hand, and my cellphone continuously vibrated in my back pocket.

I tapped Mindy, and she spun around, relief in her eyes. "I'm so sorry." She hugged me tightly as the rest of them got up and did the same. I graciously accepted their love and cried some more as they held me tightly.

Grey again was behind me, but he didn't want to dance this time. He looked like he wanted to apologize some more, but his eyes hardened. "You need to leave my party. All of you. You're not welcome anymore."

"As if we ever were," Andy snapped.

"Shut up, and get your girlfriend out of here." Grey's eyes were dangerously dark. Andy's fist clenched, but he knew it was a fight he couldn't win.

"Let's just go," Blake said. He pulled Andy back. Arnold was already behind us and pulling my shirt to lead us away.

"At least I'd have a girlfriend who wasn't a garbage human!" Andy snapped.

"What did you say?" Grey advanced toward Andy, who had a death wish. "Say something about her again; I dare you."

"About who? I didn't name anybody. It seems like you already know the trash you're with."

Grey's fist collided with Andy's jaw, and he stumbled backward. Mindy's surprised yelp and Grey's enraged body language caused people to come swarming around us.

"Fight, fight, fight!" a guy in the crowd shouted. Then, more taunting cheers started cheering for Grey, and Sasha appeared behind him wearing a smirk.

Andy knew he was in over his head. However, he still went for it, managing to punch Grey in his nose. That was all Andy could get in before Grey kicked him hard in his stomach. He doubled over, groaning in pain, and fell in front of us. I pulled out of Ana and Mindy's grip and acted as a barrier between him and Grey.

"Oohhh, player three has entered the ring," Sasha commented in a sassy manner. "'You going to beat him up with your words?"

"He's done," I signed, staring at Grey. "He defended me and got his butt kicked. You've taught him a lesson. We're leaving."

"What did she say?" Sasha demanded.

"She said they're leaving," Grey said. "Get the hell off my property."

"I think you should teach her a lesson for messing with us," she said. "Bruise that pretty face." Anger flared in my stomach, and I hoped she'd take up that offer and come into the circle herself.

"You've done enough," Grey snapped, pushing through the crowd away from her. She raised her hand in mock surrender while letting out a piercing, sarcastic laugh.

People around us mumbled uncomfortably or booed and began to disperse. Some laughed and drunkenly swayed away. As the crowd dissipated, Sasha stood rooted in place until it was just my friend group and herself. Everybody in our group bent down to help Andy as I kept my eyes on her.

"This isn't a game you want to play, Hazel," she said as she got closer to me. "I will make you regret ever coming to this school." She took the final step into my space, and I tried not to flinch.

She spat on my face.

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