Chapter 27

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"Hey guys, I have a quick announcement to make," Grey's voice echoed out to the yard. Blake and Ana rushed over to us, visibly worried. "You all know Hazel? The one who harassed my now ex-but-good friend Sasha Bernstein?" I stood there, rooted to the spot, as people flooded into the house towards a room I knew all too well. Boos echoed in its walls at the sound of my name.

"It's crazy someone can have that much hate in their body," Sasha's voice said through the microphone. All the hurt I felt in my heart came flooding back painfully. I walked like a zombie towards the room, even though my friends tried to pull me away. "But, mute people have issues, too." I stepped into the room and made eye contact with Grey. It was as if he was waiting for me. He smiled; I wanted to punch his teeth out.

"Well, I just wanted to set the record straight. Hazel isn't the monster; Sasha is." Sasha was taken aback. Her eyes were wide as saucers as she stared at him, visibly trembling. Grey continued, "I always thought Sasha was such a nice person. And she was for some time. But she finally showed her true colors when she cheated on me several times in the past. And what made this whole situation worse is she lied about Hazel constantly." Surprised murmurs erupted through the crowd, some people leaving the room, obviously disinterested at this point.

Sasha's look of being utterly blinded caused my rage to dissipate. "And you guys like receipts? Expect them shortly. And to whoever's number I don't have, spread it like wildfire if you want to. I don't care. I'm just doing my part to clear Hazel's name." He shrugged. "Anyway, remember to have fun and drink plenty of water."

He turned to Sasha and smiled. "I'll lead you out." She stormed off the stage as people booed at her. She gave me an angry glance before she left the room. Grey didn't look at me as he followed, his eyes locked on his phone.

My phone buzzed, and I opened the screenshots between Sasha and Grey.

Mon, Oct 8, 7:34 pm

Sasha (Ex)
Do u like Hazel or something?

I'm with u, am I not?

Sasha (Ex)
What did u whisper to her?

She felt srry that u got food thrown at u I assured her it was nothing I cdnt handle

Sasha (Ex)

Sasha (Ex)
I put her in her place. I told her not to get any ideas abt u

She doesn't want me, leave her alone

Sasha (Ex)
Oh please, yeah right.


Sasha (Ex)
Don't wrry imma handle it
Wat r u talking abt?

Mon, Oct 8, 9:23 pm

Sasha (Ex)
U'r thrwin a party soon right?

Yeah why?

Sasha (Ex)
I have an event planned

What are you planning on doing?

Sasha (Ex)
It's a surprise

The conversations continued, exposing Sasha for the fake text messages, the wanting to ruin my reputation, everything. Grey had constantly argued with her about it, which didn't make him innocent, but it did at least prove to me that he wasn't actively trying to make my life miserable.

And the most significant thing out of all of this? Grey cleared my name. I beamed as I walked out of the room, my friends following.

"I need to talk to Grey," I signed to them. Ana translated.

"For what?" Andy asked.

"To thank him."

"Thank him?" Blake said and scoffed. "He doesn't deserve any of your appreciation. He's a scum bag still. Just because he cleared your name doesn't make him a good person. He shouldn't have let his psycho girlfriend ruin it in the first place!"

"I need to do this."

"Hazel, I don't think it's a good idea. He can be with Sasha right now, thinking about doing something else that's horrible to you. We should go home. Please." Blake's eyes were pleading.

"Trust me. I need to do this."

They didn't look convinced, but reluctantly they let me walk off. Right as I did, I got a message from Grey.

Meet me at the pool at the back of my house

Not knowing if Sasha was gone, I cautiously found my way to him. He sat over the edge of his pool as I slid the sliding glass door open. "Hey, Hazel." I approached him and pulled my shoes off. I dipped my feet and slowly kicked them back and forth. We sat silently for a bit, the sound of water sloshing and soft music mixing.

"I'm sorry I didn't handle this sooner," he said. "I sincerely hope you can forgive me for not standing up to her and doing what's right." I hesitantly grabbed his hand and gave it a light squeeze. He searched my face, and I smiled warily. He returned it.

"Thank you for fixing things," I signed.

"It was the least I could do. Literally. You deserve so much more than that."

We sat in silence for a little while until I could no longer bear it. Finally, I stood to walk away, but Grey's hand grasped my wrist. My eyes met his, and they were more vulnerable than I'd ever seen them.

"Hazel. I've had so many dreams with you. I have to know that I am crazy. Because if not, I like you so much more than I'd ever... I-I somehow like you a lot. And I need to know if it's the 'dream you' I like or the real you. Have we dreamed together? Is it possible?"

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