Chapter 35

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I found myself back in familiar discomfort. It was funny how Grey's subconscious started to make me feel at home, although I didn't belong in it.

"Grey," I called. He was sitting down on a park bench. There was a sunlit open meadow in front of it with various animals playing around in the greenery.

He waved at me and said, "Hey! I've been waiting for you."

"Sorry I took so long," I said, throwing myself down next to him. "I just came from Sasha's dream."

"What?" His interest automatically peaked. "How did that go?"

"She tried to attack me," I said bluntly. "But we also had a very interesting heart-to-heart. It was friggin weird. People are so erratic when they don't realize they're dreaming."

He held one of my hands in his and said, "Tell me about it."

"I'm not gonna tell you too much because it was very personal for her," I said. "But she tried to justify cheating on you because it seemed the only way she'd get any attention from you."

"What?" His face contorted in anger. "I gave her so much attention. I only distanced myself because nothing I did seemed good enough for her, and then she started cheating on me, so I didn't want to be around her."

"I told her she should've just spoken to you," I said. "I felt bad for her because of what she told me about."

"What, with her father?" he questioned. I nodded as I said, "Yeah."

"Her father was a jerk, no offense to him," he commented. "But I did try to be nothing like him. It felt like we always did something she wanted to do and nothing we wanted to do. I wanted to go to this mall one time where we could both find the stuff we liked, but she just wanted to go to a particular store that only had girls' clothes. I told her, 'Okay, you have a car, and I have a car, let's get our stuff and meet later in the day. She got angry at me for that. So we stayed in this loop where I didn't feel good enough for her, and she didn't feel like I loved her."

"Yeah," I said. "I'm sorry."

"I never meant to make her feel that way, though," he said and looked down on the floor. "I feel bad that I did."

"It sounds like you guys should've talked everything out."

"Probably," he said.

"Do you want to try again with her?" I asked. He looked at me in alarm.


"Now that you know it was just your guys' lack of communication that ruined the relationship, would you want to try again?" It hurt to ask, but the way he sadly looked at the ground after I said they that should've talked things out made me think he had some regrets. Sasha was also seemingly miserable without him. Maybe they were meant for each other or something. I didn't know.

Grey grabbed my face in his hands and looked me in the eyes. "Sasha and I tried and failed. It's over."

"So you want to stay with me?" I asked.

"Very much so. Do you want to stay with me?"

"Definitely," I said.

"Glad that's been settled then," he said and smirked.

"But do you really want me?" I teased.

"Oh, you're still going on?" He lifted me as the bench below us turned into a wall. He laughed and said, "This looks so stupid with us being out in the meadow, but you've given me no choice."

"What do you mean?" I asked. He pushed me against the wall and encased me between him and it. "Okay. Ask me again, Hazel."

I grew shy. "Ask what?"

"You don't remember now?" he said with a small smile. "I'm pretty sure you do." His face inched closer to mine. "Ask me, Hazel."

"D-do you really want me?"

He placed a kiss on my lips, my nose, and my chin and trailed them down to my neck. It caught me off guard, and I tensed up. He gently kissed every inch of my neck. My breath was uneven when he made his way back up to my lips again. I entangled my fingers through his hair as he pulled me close against him. "Do you believe me now?

"Mhm," I breathed.

"Good," Grey said.

We kissed softly for another second and then leaned our foreheads against each other. His eyes looked back and forth between mine, and I giggled.

"You're so cute," I said.

"You're so pretty," he retorted. I closed my eyes and listened. The animals began playing behind us.

"Can we go play with them?" I asked.

"I'll race you!" He darted off.

"No fair! My back was to the wall!" I said, chasing after him.

Little Sweet Dreamer - Wattys EditionWhere stories live. Discover now