Chapter 29

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I'd barely opened my eyes before I received a text from Grey.

Did we have the same dream?

What happened in yours?

We held onto a great white shark's fin until we floated over an underwater city

and then we were greeted by a creature that was a cross between a starfish and a turtle?

Yes! So much happened it was so much fun. That is honestly so cool

It warmed my heart to read those words, as meaningless as they may have been to him. No one else has ever shared something like this with me. And the fact that I could make it enjoyable for him made it even better. Before I could respond, My mom knocked on my door. Startled, I closed my phone and sat upright. She smiled at me, surprised. "Oh, you're awake! I'm going grocery shopping. Did you want anything?"

"No," I signed. "Thank you."

"All right, I'll be back soon," she said and shut the door.

I unlocked my phone again to see Grey's new messages.

Ready for our date later today? 😁

Yes!!! I'm so excited

I'm glad. I'm nervous lolol

Grey and nervous don't seem like they fit together

Then you and I have a lot to learn about each other

I'm very happy about that fact

Same. I also have a lot to prove to you

I'll hold you to that 😛

You should 😌 send me your address okay? I gotta go help my dad with some stuff for my sister, but I'll call you when I'm getting ready to get you. Cool??

Sounds good!

Grey's sister! I never got to see her because she was still an unborn child when I learned of her existence. I hoped to meet her soon, though.

My nerves ran wild as I waited for Grey. I scrutinized my outfit several times, gave Timmy excited belly rubs which would rile him up—he'd run off and grab his favorite toy, growling at me to take it from him as he ran away with it—and laid in bed with excited butterflies filling my tummy.

When I got the ping of his ringtone letting me know he was downstairs, I practically ran out of the house. If it weren't for my mom being back from grocery shopping, we'd be in the car, happily flooring it down the street.

"Baby... you didn't tell me your plans...?" my mom said from the kitchen as I slipped my shoes on. My happiness came screeching to a halt. My mom—wasn't strictly okay with me having a boyfriend. If I recall correctly, she said once I was in college and out of her hair, that's when I could think about dating.

At that moment, Grey and I were still friends—friends who were going on a date.


"Going to the roller skating rink," I signed.

"With?" she asked. My palms grew sweaty. I didn't want to lie to my mom, which would only worsen things. But at the same time, she would make my life much more difficult if I flat out told her the truth.

Little Sweet Dreamer - Wattys EditionWhere stories live. Discover now