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A/N: Things moved a bit quickly, but oh well

[ A t s u m u ]

Walking through the halls alone, I have my bag swung over my shoulder. Everyone is in class, I'm only late because I slept in and Sakusa didn't want to wake me. He cares more about my physical and mental health more than my education. It's cute and all, but I still have to graduate in order to get a decent job.

Being pushed into a closet, I'm about to scream but someone places their hand over my mouth. Panic courses through my veins as one of them turns on the light. My eyes widen at a familiar face.


He narrows his eyes at me, walking toward me, and places his hands on either side of my face once the guy holding me removes his hand from my mouth. "Why did you have to choose Sakusa?" He asks, tilting his head to the side as my breathing becomes quick and shaky.

"W-What are y-you talking about..?" I ask, tears welling in my eyes from the fear. Katashi slaps me, my eyes shut tight.

"That body of yours was mine from the get-go. Not his, MINE! I caressed you and loved on you during sex, did I not?" He asks.

"No, you didn't caress me and love me. You became violent and whenever I tried telling you to stop or slow down, you went harder on me!" I spit out coldly. "Sakusa is far more gentle than you, he cares about me, legitimately cares about me. Unlike you."

"You're playing with fire, princess~," he says while trailing his finger along my jaw. I gulp anxiously, the tears falling. "Grab his phone, Katsu." He orders, his friend grabbing my phone from my back pocket and handing it over to him. Katashi smirks, taking a picture of me with his other friend holding me still. "Sakusa is going to have a field day knowing that I have his beloved boyfriend with me!"

"He'll fucking kill you." I spit out coldly through tears.

"Oh, will he?" Katashi asks before grabbing my face with one hand and kissing me harshly. I tremble violently, feeling him force his tongue into my mouth. My eyes shoot wide open as he starts fiddling around with the buttons on my pants.

Biting his tongue, he pulls back quickly just as I knee him in the crotch. Elbowing the guy behind me in the gut, he grunts and lets go. I duck as their other friend tries lunging at me. He face plants into the door, causing it to open. Jumping over him, I run out of the closet and head down to the nearest classroom which just happens to be Sakusa's class.

Barging in through the door while panting, the teacher looks over at me worriedly. The curly-haired raven shoots up from his seat and runs over to me, holding me close to him. "What happened?" He asks as I start crying heavily. "Love, what happened?!"

"I-I was just s-sexually assaulted-" I whisper through tears, the teacher hearing and calling someone on the phone on his desk.

"By who?" The raven asks through gritted teeth.

"K-Katashi and his friends... I was pushed into a closet and he s-started talking n-nonsense. He said that m-my body was his f-from the get-go." I say quietly, digging my face into the crook of his neck. He doesn't say anything, he just holds me tightly, his friends and the rest of the class watching.

Katashi disappeared along with his friends. We believe that they ran off once I told somebody so they wouldn't get arrested. They have my phone, it has all of my personal information on it including my passwords.

Right now I'm at Kiyoomi's place talking with a detective about the incident. Oikawa and Iwaizumi are staying over to make sure I'm okay, considering I was just sexually assaulted. Kiyoomi has disappeared somewhere in the house, his dad said he's blowing off steam by working out downstairs in their gym.

"How do you know Katashi?" The man asks, waiting to write something down.

"H-He was um... I slept with him... We met at our college, he was a nice guy at first but he became really violent while having our "intimate" moment." I say quietly, fiddling around with my sleeves.

"Okay. I think that's good for now, if we have any more questions, we'll contact you. You said that he took your phone? Who can we contact to get ahold of you?" He asks, Hina walking up to stand beside me.

"Me." She says. "My number is *** *** ****." The man then writes that down and says goodbye before leaving and shutting the door behind him. "You should probably go to Kiyoomi, he's really angry with himself that he wasn't there to protect you."

"Okay..." I mumble, walking to the door that leads to the basement before opening it and shutting it behind me. Walking down the stairs, I frown at the loud music that plays. Peeking around the corner once I make it to the bottom, I spot the curly-haired raven punching a punching bag. He's also shirtless and sweaty. He's overworking himself.

"Omi?" I say softly, the man stopping to turn around and look at me. I gave him that nickname the night that he asked me to be his, which was the same day that Osamu kissed him. "Why are you so mad with yourself?" I ask, walking over to him.

He channels his breathing, relaxing his hands.

"I wasn't there to protect you. I knew something felt off the moment I left, but I thought you were going to stay here." He mumbles as I stand in front of him, looking up into his midnight eyes. Standing on the tip of my toes, I press my lips to his in a quick kiss.

"Hey, look at me," I demand, the man refusing to keep his attention on me. "Omi, look at me," I demand again, grabbing his face and turning it so he's looking down at me. "It happened, there's no going back in time and changing the outcome. Just come to terms with that and move on, I'm still here, aren't I?"

"You are... But you're hurt, more mentally than physically. I don't want you to be in any type of pain, why? Because I love you." He murmurs the last bit, my eyes glossing over. Did he really just say that he loves me? No, there's no way...

"D-Did you just say that you...-"

"Yes, I said that I love you. I really do, Atsu." I let out a soft cry at this, covering my mouth with my hand. He smiles softly at me, grabbing my chin and lifting my head up. He bends down and kisses me gently on the lips. Wrapping my arms around his neck, he deepens the kiss. Getting backed up into the wall, he kisses my neck and sucks on the skin.

The reason I don't want to go all the way is because I want it to be special. I want to be able to put all of my focus on him so I can savor the feeling of him.

After a few moments, he pulls away and looks into my eyes. "You're so beautiful, you know that, right?"

"Yes," I respond with a small smile, kissing the tip of his nose. "I'm gonna go back upstairs, are you gonna stay down here?" I ask, the man nodding and kissing me on the forehead. Walking back upstairs, I make it to the living room.

"How is he?" Oikawa asks.

"He's doing okay now that I talked to him about it," I say, sitting down on the couch and leaning forward to grab my soda off the coffee table. "He said that he loves me... At first, I didn't think I heard him correctly, and he clarified that he did say that he loves me." At this, Rei squeals.

"I knew it! Just wait, the proposal is gonna be awesome! He's going to make you feel like goddamn royalty and it's gonna make us feel single! Even you guys who are taken by each other!" She exclaims, Oikawa pulling himself back with his mouth open to speak but nothing ends up coming out.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, Rei. It's gonna be a while before he even considers proposing." I say with a light chuckle.

"You don't know that." She says with a huff, crossing her arms. "My baby bro gonna get married before me! He's found his lover, why haven't I found mine yet?!" She whines, tossing her head back.

"You just have to wait for the right person." Iwaizumi says, laughing lightly.


𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐭 [𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮; 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now