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[ A t s u m u ]

"Finally out of that hospital," I say in a whining tone, clinging to Kiyoomi's arm as we walk toward Kazuya's rental.

"Feels good to get some fresh air, doesn't it?" Hina asks.

"Oh yes, definitely," I respond with a smile, sliding into the back seat with Kiyoomi. He seems a bit off like he's thinking hard about something. His dad looks the same as he does, something must have happened. But I'm not going to question it in case it's a sensitive topic.

The doctor ordered me not to make sudden head movements, like tossing my head back for example. He also said to limit stress as much as possible, so that's what everyone's goal is. He warned me about headaches and difficulty concentrating, so I have to watch out for those as well. It'll take me around 4 to 8 weeks till I fully recover.

I frown, Kiyoomi scooting over to the other side of the car. He then pulls his hand from mine, Hina noticing. "Kiyoomi, I think you're taking this a little bit too hard... I get that you're nervous, I am too, hell, even Kazuya is nervous. But that doesn't mean you should abandon Atsumu because you're too deep in thought. I swear, sometimes you act like you're bipolar." She says with an eye roll.

"I'm not bipolar." He mutters, looking out the window.

"W-What are you talking about?" I ask nervously, looking to Hina for answers.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you. Not yet, at least. Once we get back home, Kiyoomi will tell you. If he doesn't want to, I will." She says, looking at me with a small smile. She's too sweet for her own good, I swear.

Looking out the window, tears sting my eyes. Feeling fingers intertwine with mine and a presence directly beside me, I look over to see Kiyoomi sliding toward me. He kisses me on the forehead, holding my hand gently. I hum, leaning into him and digging my face into the crook of his neck.

"You're so cute." He mumbles, my face falling a tad bit red.

After a long drive to the airport, Kazuya parks the car next to the private jet. I gulp at the size of it, stepping down with everyone else. The man hands the keys over to a driver and says hello to the pilot before walking up the steps. Kiyoomi grabs my hand and guides me up the steps just behind his mom.

Sitting down, a flight attendant passes and smirks at Kiyoomi. I clear my throat, grabbing her attention. Smiling sweetly at her, I speak in a cute tone. "I suggest keeping those eyes of yours on something other than my boyfriend or else you get the horns." At this, the curly-haired raven kisses my temple. The woman gulps, nodding and rushing away.

"That was hot." He whispers into my ear, smirking. I shiver, breathing in and exhaling to calm myself.

"There's a private room in the back of the plane~," Hina says, our eyes widening.

"Hina!" Kazuya exclaims, his wife cackling.

"What? I want grandbabies." She says with a smug smirk, my face falling beet red.

"Mom, he's a boy," Kiyoomi says with a done expression. "Even though I'd love to have kids with him." He adds, whispering in my ear. I shudder, rolling my head back slowly and gripping the armrests tightly. "Come on, love. Let's go to that room so you can sleep." He states in a suggestive tone, grabbing my hand and guiding me away. Hina winks at me as Kazuya grunts and places his hand over his eyes, shaking his head.

Entering the room, he closes and locks the door, backing me up toward the bed. "Try not to be too loud..." He mumbles, kissing my neck. Shivering, I fiddle with his belt and yank at it. He grants my wish and removes it with ease, tossing it to the floor.

𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐭 [𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮; 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔]Where stories live. Discover now