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"when did i-?"


  Slight gurgling noises could be heard in the quietness of the 2 bedroom house.

It stopped as soon as it started as (reader) flinched feeling the drool that formed in her mouth pool down her (s/t) cheek.

She groaned wiping it from her face as she looked around the unfamiliar room.

Her eyes widening and slight panic filling her body. Where was she? Why wasn't she in her room? Well it looks like her room but more animated? A dream right?

Acknowledging the thought that it was a dream she arose from her bed taking advantage of it. She went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face.

Upon gazing into the mirror she flinched again but this time hitting her head on a towel rack behind her slipping on the face towel she didn't realize that she dropped.

"Fuck man! Why does it hurt if I'm dreaming!?" She hissed rubbing her head.

Or maybe she wasn't?

Her mind wandered; wait, did she accidentally shift? She did recall wanting to try it out but she never thought it would work.

There was a pause like the earth had stopped moving.

"I shifted on accident?" (reader) looked in the mirror staring back at her (e/c) orbs.

"Wait, this does look like my bathroom.. what about the rest of the house? Is dad also here!?" She began panicking again this time pacing around the bathroom when she slipped again on the forgotten face towel.

A loud thump was heard when she fell again, this time alerting someone in the house who harshly opened the door.

"Oh my- (reader)? Why are you on the floor?" Her dad asked looking down at her with animated eyes.

She blinked a few times before shaking her head.

"Nothing it's nothing I just tripped."

"Good, you're gonna be late if you don't hurry."

School? She forgot she had to go to school.

(reader) only nodded. Brushing her hair behind her ear and getting up, picking the dropped face towel in the process.


"Hey... HEY! What the hell is this!?" She asked no one in particular as she pointed towards her shoe.

"I think you stepped in dog shit." Raymond, her dad, commented as she watched his kid scrape it off on the concrete outside.

"What a shitty way to start a day." She mumbled still scraping her foot in the sidewalk.

Raymond yawned and walked back inside, "Whatever just don't track anything into the house."

An irk mark appeared on (reader's) head. "Bastard."

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