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"Grimace Shake"

(Reader) PoV

Sprite Cranberry?


What did you
do this time...

Exsqueeze me!?
Literally nothing
so smd🗣️😪

Hey buddies👽

What is it (Reader)?

Aww thanks for
asking pookie 🥰



Sthu twink.
Anyway I got
the grimace shake!

You're going to

Wdym, it's a

Have you not seen
those videos?
There have been deaths


Nendo, kindly never
stutter in chat
ever again...
I'm facetiming so
i can tell you how
it tastes‼️‼️‼️🥰

Incoming Facetime Video from (Reader)🗣️

"Please tell me you're not actually going to drink it!?" Kaidou said with a frown.

Aren and Saiki rolled their eyes and Nendo gasped, "MY BUDDY IS GONNA DIE!?"

"Psh, nah, pretty bitches never die."

"You're not gonna live very long (Reader)," Kaidou mumbled.

"Shut the actual fuck up before I shove a spork down your throat," She spat at the phone in anger.

"Hurry up and drink it," Aren said, "Tell us how it tastes."

(Reader) smiled and grabbed the shake, "Here goes, happy birthday Grimace." The others watched her nervously, except Saiki who didn't care. She took a small sip from the straw and....

nothing happened.

"You guys actually thought something was finna happen!?" (Reader) laughed and slapped her thigh over and over again.

"Not funny," Kaidou sniffed. Wow, he really started crying.

"Anyway what does it taste like?" Aren asked.

"Well it tastes like—"

Her screen cut off and all they could see was blackness and each other.

"(Reader)? Come on it ain't funny we know you're joking." Aren rolled his eyes but there was no response.

Saiki was a bit more interested, he couldn't hear anything until there was a scream.

"What the hell!?" Kaidou screamed and cried hugging his pillows on his bed.

Her screen cut back on and all you could see was a purple substance on a wall with her body in-front of it on the ground.

The call was quiet, "(Reader) wake up this isn't funny, Kaidou is crying." Saiki glared into the camera.

Nothing, no response, no movement, just the sound of footsteps now approaching her camera.

A purple hand reached to pick it up, it turned the camera towards (Reader) and you could clearly see that up close was the substance pouring from her mouth and eyes. It was disturbing, her eyes were rolled back into her head, her mouth agape and her clothes messy from the purple shit.

The person faced the camera towards them and they could see him, Grimace.

In a low voice he mumbled, "You're next."

The call on her end, ended.

"What the.."

"(Reader)!? Where'd she go!!!" Kaidou was now sobbing uncontrollably.

Aren was shocked, his mouth hung upon in surprise, seeing that his friend was now gone, cause of death being unknown.

"That fucking milkshake cause this!?" Saiki asked rhetorically and then hung up.

"Buddy is funny," Nendo laughed still not getting that it was no longer a joke.

"Bro, she's gone." Aren mumbled and hung up.

Kaidou hung up to as he was crying too hard to even think straight. Nendo then realized the intensity and hung up too with a sad look on his face.

You're next.

Author Note: I just feel like i needed to update something so here 👽

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