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You know it's that time of the year when leaves begin to change from their usual boring green colors to reds, oranges, and yellows.

"It's so chilly today!" I shiver.

Chiyo stood next to me and nodded, "Yeah it is. I need something warm."

I'm sure she was hinting that we should go a store but I didn't want to be late again!

"Sorry Chiyo but I can't run laps again." I say while she sighs.

"You're right, I wouldn't want to either." She mumbles as she grabs onto my arm.

I like fall, it gives me a chance o wear my favorite sage green sweat shirt over my school uniform, and it's just the perfect amount of wind flowing too.

"Hey Kaidou!" I wave entering the school.

He smiled and waved back nervously.

I felt Chiyo squirm beside me.

"Keep it in your pants."



I jolted awake from hearing the bell ring; it must be lunch time now.

I wipe the drool from my cheek and stretch, " I hope someone took notes."

Only a few people were still in the class enjoying lunch with their friends or by themselves.

Today was peaceful.. too peaceful. It felt off, very off. Where are my friends?

This thought set me off as I quickly leave the classroom and to the cafeteria. I sigh and push the strands of hair from my forehead that had fallen out of it's previous style.

"Hey guys." I say sitting down in an empty chair.

"About time you woke up, lunch is almost over buddy!" Nendo said.

Aren gave me some of his bento that I gladly accepted.

"You should have woke me up." I respond back to him.

They all look at me with the "We tried" look on their faces.

I laugh nervously and look the other way.

I still couldn't shake off the feeling something was still off. Was someone watching me again? I felt this a couple months ago too.

"Hm.." I hum placing my hands on my face.

"What are you thinking about?" Aren asks placing his chopsticks in front of my face again.

I take another bite, "Do you ever feel like something's wrong?"

"No, why would you think that?" He asks with a brow lifted.

Kaidou gasps and stands up, "COULD THIS BE.. DARK REUNION??"

I blankly stared at him.

"No." I quickly shut him down.

At least I hope not.


"I'm home!" I yell and hear a crash from upstairs.

I watch my dad stumble down the stairs with him tangled in wires.

"Hi honey!" He happily chirps.

I stare for a few minutes and just make my way up to my room.

"Ugh this is so stressing! I don't know why I feel this way." I yell and ruffle my hair.

I sat on my bed and look at the M*nopoly box on my desk.

"Wait.. what did grandma say..?" I mumble placing my hand on my chin.

"You're levelheaded... just like Tomiju."

Tomiju. Tomiju?

"Who the hell is Tomiju..?" I wonder aloud, dad must know.

"Dad, where are you?" I ask coming down stairs.

"The kitchen doll." He said.

I walk into the kitchen and see him staring at a paper, or a picture?

"Dad, do you know who Tomiju is?" I ask him with an unsure look on my face.

He paused.

I nervously played with my fingers, "Look if it's one of your old girlfriends-"

He cut me off, "Who told you about her?" He asked, his voice dark.

I flinch and stay quiet.




"Grandma mentioned it!" I say swallowing the lump in my throat.

I released a breathe I didn't know i was holding in. This man is still my father.

He only got up and left the kitchen going towards his bedroom slamming the door behind him.

I didn't eat dinner that night.

A/N: woah is Raymond hiding something from us!? 😨

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