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Who doesn't like a nice after school day? Especially during fall. The leaves are changing from their ordinary green colors and the air is getting cool and crisp.

It's also the perfect day to go to a cafe and eat cakes and drink cappuccinos!

So why don't I wanna go? Because I'm afraid of Teruhashi's fan club. And just because i'm female doesn't mean they won't target me. They don't discriminate, which in the end is pretty good.

I think their the source of my paranoia.

"Yamaguchi-Chan!" Teruhashi called behind me as I walked down the side walk to the given cafe.

Huh, she changed the honorifics.

"Hey Teruhashi...-Chan?" I say unsure of if it sounded right.

I could have sworn her eyes lit up a bit.

"You're a little early don't ya think? We don't have to arrive till another hour!" She says happily as she catches up with me.

"I could say the same about you." I respond giving her a small smile, my cheeks lifting a tad making my eyes seem closed.

A light blush of embarrassment made its way onto her pale cheeks. She began fidgeting with her hands.

"Well I just uh..." She stammered trying to form a coherent sentence.

"Hey nothing wrong with being early." I interrupt trying to calm her nerves.

Other than her narcissistic personality she's nice to talk to.

Finally approaching the average looking cafe I open the door for her allowing her to walk in first.

Following in behind her we find a booth to sit at and shortly after a waiter comes to take our orders.

"So uhm Teruhashi-Chan? What's your favorite school subject..?" I ask nervously, obviously I don't start small talk.

"You really wanna talk about school? You're so funny Yamaguchi-Chan!" She laughed showing her pearly perfectly aligned teeth in the process.

"You're very fortunate Teruhashi, you have so many people around you!" I say without thinking.

"Not really I-"

I cut her off, "Did you know you have a whole fan club!?"

She lifts a brow, "I do?"

I nod my head. "Mhm."

"You have such a kind personality." I smile.

Teruhashi's cheeks burst into flames as she excused herself to the bathroom.

I think I just took Saiki's spot.


"Sorry I was in the restroom for so long." She said walking out.

An idea came to my head as I sweetly smiled at her.

"It's okay Teru-Chan!"

"T-T-T-TERU-CHAN!?!?" She screamed falling backwards, blood running down her nose.

I barely caught her a brought her face to mine and wiped her nose with my fingers.

Mission succes.

A/N: sorry it's short i just needed to post something.

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