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Since I have been transferred to this school I get to participate in school activities.

This also means I also get to go on a school trip to Okinawa.

There I was in my room fantasizing about the trip, it made me squeal and squirm in my bed in excitement.

"I wonder which swimsuit should I pack? Should I also bring a board game?" I thought aloud and continued screaming into my pillow out of excitement.

Finally getting out of bed I go into the hallway and hear my dad in the bathroom. Singing out loud of course.

An irk mark was visible on my forehead.

"Hurry up old man! I have places to be!" I yelled banging on the door.

Well, he's gonna be there for a while.


"Hey, buddy! You were almost late!" The big oaf said waving towards me.

There I was, my sage green hoodie that I hurriedly put over my uniform and my lazily laced shoes.

"Hey, guys.." I lazily say walking towards them and slouching on Kaido who was luckily near me.

"You look like you just woke up," Kuboyasu commented on my looks.

I look to the side with a glum look on my face.

"My dad, Is the devil," I whispered the last part.

Wait a minute, something just clicked in my feeble mind. Isn't there supposed to be a typhoon? Or was I late for that?

I think so since we're boarding the plane, great! I didn't wanna witness that.

On the plane, I decided to sit next to my "friend," Kusuo Saiki, who was not so pleased to be near me.

"Hey, dude!"

"Don't call me that," he commented.

"Okay, okay," I mumbled getting comfy in my seat and placing my earbuds into my ear.

I leaned back into the seat and slowly started drifting off awaiting for myself to finally fall into a deep sleep.

Nah, too calm for the surrounding people. Someone started kicking my seat. What the fuck? What are you, 5?

I turned around and glared at who was kicking my seat and it was none other than the mindless guy himself, Nendo.

"Sorry, Buddy didn't mean to disturb you!" He said pulling his signature ugly smile.

I mumbled a few profanities under my breath that Saiki seemed to raise a brow at but decided not to comment on it.

I just wanna listen to St*ve L*cy and sleep on this long-ass plane ride!

Saiki, I'm sorry you have to deal with this 24/7.

"It's not your fault, partly." He mumbled allowing himself to rest his head on the window.

"I gotta shit," I mumbled and got up from my seat to go to the bathroom.

If I saw Saiki's face I know he was disgusted but honesty is the best policy.


"I don't know what happened but I know that toilet is going through the 5 stages of grief all at once," I say to no one in particular.

Kuboyasu looked over to me, "Keep that to yourself (Reader)."

"YOU SAID MY FIRST NAME!" I squealed and went over to him wrapping my arms around his neck and jumping onto him forcing him to hold me.


"No no! I like when you guys use my first name!" I smile at him, it must've been contagious cause he smiled right back at me.

"HEY! NO PDA!" Matsuzaki senpai yelled causing Kuboyasu to panic and let go of me.

"He's just jealous he has no love life!" I huffed and walked ahead into the bus.

I pulled my phone out took it off of airplane mode and noticed that my dad had called and texted me multiple times.

"You... Forgot... A..? Huh?" I struggled to read, he can't spell for shit.

"Not important," I mumble shooting him a quick "Idgaf".

I love that man.

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