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"He'd what?" I growl and Levi rolls his eyes.

"Honestly, I think you would deserve it if you were still a teenager." He shrugs and I roll my eyes.

"So you're taking his side?" I ask quietly and he narrows his glare at me.

"Val, I've grown quite fond of you, but let me tell you now. I hold no respect for a woman who takes her child from their father for no good reason." He warns and I feel tears brim at my eyes.

Why don't they see that I'm not the problem?"

He lets out a sigh and leads me into the house. Gabby rubs towards me and gives me the tightest hug ever.

"Gabriella." Levi warns and she pouts before walking into a corner and planting her nose in it.

I set Daniel down and Levi lets out a sigh as he shakes his head.

"Take Daniel up to your room and keep him entertained for a bit." Levi orders and Gabby is quick to comply .

"Call Drake." He tells me and I shake my head.


"Damn it Valerie, you're NOT the victim!" He growls, slightly raising his voice.

"Yes I am." I shoot back and he narrows his glare at me.

"You are acting like a spoiled little brat, Valerie." He announces and I scoff as he picks his phone up and starts dialing a number.

Ben walks in and he glares at me.

"What is with you two thinking you're above me?" I ask quietly, there's children upstairs.

"You have lost your mind." Ben growls, staring at me in complete disgust.

"Yeah she's fine. Alright talk to you later, bye." I hear and my eyes go wide.

"You called Drake?" I ask and he nods quietly, "Okay well since I can't trust you I'm going to get my son and we're going."

I go to walk upstairs and Ben grabs my arm pulling me back. He takes my keys and puts them in his pocket, not once letting go of me.

"Drake's on his way to get Daniel." Levi sighs, shaking his head and walking over to me. "When you calm down, call me." He kisses the top of my head and Ben softens his grip a little.

Drake walks in and glares at me.

"Get a fucking lawyer." He growls, walking upstairs.

I bolt out of Ben's grasp and push past him, running to grab Daniel.

I grab him and Gabby gives me a look of hatred.

"Bye Gabs." I sigh before walking out and to my car.

"If that car is not at my house." Ben growls before moving to his own car.

Nobody's taking my side.
Mom was right, they don't love me and coming back was a mistake.

I was the mistake.

I shake my head and pull out the driveway.

I follow behind Ben, waiting for any sort of sign to tell me I wasn't the victim.

Nothing did.

I looked in my mirror and saw that Daniel was playing his iPad quietly and I let out a small sigh and turn my blinker on.

"Do you want McDonalds?" I ask and he perks up.


I smile and start my drive to McDonalds. Once we get there I park and grab my purse.

"Mama." I look back and he smiles big at me, "You're the best mama ever!!"

I can't help but laugh and smile, knowing next time I get in trouble he'll say he hates me and I'm the meanest and worst.

"Chicken nugget happy meal?" I question and he nods, smiling his big white teeth at me.

I walk inside and order our food, only for Ben to walk in after me once we start eating.

"He was hungry." I say plainly and Ben sighs, sliding in beside me.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into a hug.

"I got worried for a moment. I don't care about anyone else unless my family is safe, Valerie. I don't care about anything and right now I want to enjoy a peaceful moment with my sister and nephew." He explains quickly and I nod as he presses a kiss to my fore head.

"I don't have a house, Ben."  I whisper looking down, "No judge in their right mind gives a child to a parent without a house."

"I convinced Drake not to start a custody battle." He explains, "Under the condition that you two set up an arrangement for who gets him and when, and no more taking off without him knowing."

I feel tears brim my eyes as I look to my big brother.

"Thank you." Is all I can muster out and he types something into his phone, sliding it over to me.

Levi is pissed with you though.

I let out a frustrated sigh and nod. I already knew that was coming.

"Mommy I wanna play." Daniel announces while throwing a dry at me.

"Throw something else at your mom and I'm busting your butt." Ben warns and Daniel shrivels down.

"We need to go bud."


We walk into Ben's house and I set him down to go find Audrea, my niece.

My pregnant sister in law walks over and hugs me as tight as she can with her bulging belly.

Alayna turns me to the side and lands a sharp slap to my bare thigh.

"Ow!" I whine, instantly trying to rub the sting out.

"Don't ever scare us like that again." She warns, jutting a finger in my face.

"Yes ma'am." I pout and she rolls her eyes before walking away.

Ben walks over and motions for me to follow him into his office.

"What's going on?" He asks calmly, looking into my eyes so deeply that I fear he's staring dead into my soul.

"Nobody's seeing that in the victim." I whisper and he glares at me.

"Because you're not." He says plainly, "You're BOTH at fault and I'm without a doubt that Jackson's torn Drakes ass up by now."

I explain everything, the trapped feeling I've had since I'd come back starts to slowly lift as I let go and dump everything off my shoulders and onto Ben's.

The world finally slows down and comes to an almost halt as J start ranting and Ben pulls me into a bone crushing hug, letting me fall apart and sob into his shoulder and I continue to mumble about how nothing turned out the way I'd wanted it to.

I never wanted to be a fire fighter, I never wanted a baby at 19 or to get married at 18. I never wanted this life for myself.

I'd began to hate myself and everyone around me because of it.

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