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I take a deep breath and Ben chuckles beside me, "What?" I ask and he rolls his eyes,

"I remember doing this with Drake, he got her a small little 1/2 karat diamond ring, all he could afford, said he'd rather feed his family than put it on her finger. She was in love with it, size doesn't matter to her." He assures me, patting my shoulder.

I blow out a shaky breath and my eye catches it, a white golden band with a diamond heart, small garnet outlining the heart.


"That one." I point out and Ben's eyes go wide.

"Buddy I've seen your checks, how?" He asks cautiously and I shake my head.

"I've been putting money up since the moment I laid eyes on her." I smirk as I get the jeweler.

"There's a necklace that matches the ring if I can interest you." She tempts and I nod.

"Yeah, ring it up." I accept and Ben
stares at me shocked,

"Wedding gift." I chuckle and he rolls his eyes.

"Made sure I didn't spoil her just so you could." He mumbles and I laugh.

"Are you good?" I question and he nods as I give the jeweler my debit card.

"Alayna said she got her nails a light glittery pink." Ben lets out a sigh of relief, "Thank Jesus, Alayna had to convince her not to get little cows on her nails."

"That would have been bad." I respond as we walk out, "And since I paid for the engagement you wanna pay for the wedding?"

"Wanna let me wail on your ass?"

"No Chief." I smirk and he rolls his eyes.


Later that night, I start making reservations for a really nice vacation, I'm talking condo on the beach in Florida, with rose petals all over our room and candles in the shape of a heart.

It's gonna be amazing.

I walk in the door and she's got her hair up in a messy bun, washing dishes.

"Everything okay?" She asks and I give her a quick nod.

"Yeah, where's the kids?" I ask skeptically and she rolls her eyes.

"Sam's taking a nap, Daniel's in his room pouting and Gabby is upstairs doing homework." She says without skipping a beat. I walk over and wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her cheek.

"You're super pretty." I smile and she rolls her eyes, "I got a surprise for you"

She dries her hands and turns around so I grab her hips and set her on the counter, handing her an envelope.

"What's this?"

"Open it."

She opens it and her face falls.

"Family vacation?" She asks shocked and I shake my head.

"A you and I vacation, my dad's gonna keep the kids." I smirk and she gives me a bright smile.


"We leave in two days."

"Val I finished my homework!" Gabby squeals as she enters the room.

"I DIDN'T DO IT!" Daniel cries running in behind her, tears welled up in his eyes. He comes running to me and hides himself behind my leg, "I didn't do it!"

"Didn't do what?" I question as Valerie exhausted runs her hands down her face.

"Daniel Benjamin did you go in her room and mess her stuff up again?" Valerie asks and Gabby snorts.

"I wasn't gonna snitch." She says wholeheartedly, I can see the empathy on her face at the knowledge of Daniel in trouble, "Val it's fine, I cleaned it up, no big deal."

"Gabby I appreciate that, but it is a big deal." Valerie explains calmly, "Daniel what did I tell you was going to happen if you went in her room messing with stuff again?"

"Nooo!" He cries, forcing himself behind my legs, "I don't want one!"

I pick him up and Valerie gets off the counter as I set him on it. I place my hands on either side of his small body and tears are rolling down his face.

"Stop hollering before I give you a reason to, understood little man?" I ask and he nods, choking back a sob. I raise an eyebrow at him and he mumbles a quiet 'yes sir'. I look at Valerie and she gives me a nod, saying I'm not overstepping.

"Gabby go set your homework in the office and I'll check it in a bit okay?" Valerie pauses, and Gabby complies quickly.

"Now what did your Mom tell you would happen if you went into Gabbys room tearing her stuff up?" I question and she looks to Valeria for help, "I want an answer Daniel Benjamin."

" Hers said I would get a 'pankin but I really don't needs one!" He rushed the end out and I nod.

"Yeah buddy, you do." I say sadly as I pick him up and carry him to the living room.

"Nooo!" He screams and I give him a quick seat to the bottom.

"I told you quit hollering." I scold and he buries his face in my arm.

"I WANT MY DADDY! I WANT DADDY!" He screams and Valerie gives me a heartbroken look.

"We can talk about that after but right now, you're in trouble with me." I try and he shakes his head.

"Don't want it!" He cries and he's in a full blown tantrum.

I wrap my arms around his small body and hold him tight.

"Hey, bud. You're okay." I whisper calming him and he just cries.

Once he calms down he sits on my lap with his face buried on my chest.

I take the opportunity to flip him over my lap and  hold him still.

"Next time you go in Gabbys room without her permission, I'll take your pants down too. Understand?" I warn and he nods.

I slap my hand down about 15 times and that's enough to have him bawling his eyes out again.

Valerie looks at me with teary eyes as I pull Daniel up and wrap my arms around him.

Valerie walks over and I spread my legs so she can sit on the leg Daniel isn't. She sits and Daniel moves his small body to his mom and he just cries into her chest.

"I sorry." He mumbles before falling straight asleep.

"Is your dad gonna be able to keep him?" She asks and I nod.

"Babe, my dad kept Gabby at that age."

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