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Levi POV

As soon as we get to the house, Valerie goes inside and slams the door shut. I grab Daniel out the car and go next door to get Gabby.

I tell her what happened and he face just falls.

"He was really nice to me." She whispers in shock and I nod.

"Im gonna need your help these next few weeks. Please keep yourself out of trouble and keep an extra eye on Daniel when I'm not in the room." I plead and she nods.

When we walk in the house I go upstairs and into my bedroom, only to hear bath water running. I open the bathroom door and see Val laying back in the tub.

I let out a sigh and lean against the frame.

"I hope you know that I'm here for you. I love you, Val."

"We can get married now. My husband's dead." She chuckles softly and I close my eyes.

"Wrap a towel around yourself." I suggest and I turn around as she steps out the tub.

When she tells me she's got the towel secure, I walk over her to her.

"I want to marry you eventually, but love, this is not how I wanted to do it." I explain and she looks into my eyes.

"I wish it had been me. Or if I was with him-"

I cut her off and bring her into my arms.

"Lets take things one step at a time." I offer, kissing her forehead, "Today, let's focus on getting the kids fed dinner and put to bed."

"There was a literal wild fire! We survived!" She screams, pushing me off her, "He survived that! Why was he so stupid!? How could he do this to us!?"

I grab a robe off the door and pull it over her , tying it on the side.

She lets the towel fall to the ground and  she slides down the wall, tears falling heavy down her cheeks.

I sit beside her and pull her closer to me, "God works in mysterious ways, Val. We just have to trust him."

"I don't know what to do. I've never lived without Drake. When Dad was beating Ben, we went to Drakes after. I remember one time my Dad came after me when we were teenagers, cause I was pregnant, Drake protected me."

"Valerie, Daniel's had to live without you before and he just got you back. He can't afford to lose you. One day he's gonna realize what's going on and that's gonna be a hard hard day on him, he's gonna need his Mom to support him."


"I'll be right back, get dressed and in the bed. I'll bring you food."

I get up and walk downstairs, only to find Gabby holding Daniel as he screams.

In that moment I realized that Valerie and I never discussed if she was comfortable with me disciplining Daniel.

"What happened?"

"He broke Mom's vase." She says tearfully and I take Daniel from her, setting him on the ground but keeping eye level with the toddler.

"Did you?" He nods, "Why?"

"It's ugly." He shrugs and I look at Gabby.

"How did he break it?"

"He climbed somehow and broke it." Gabby snitches and Daniel pouts.

"But it was UGLY!"

I take his hand and stand up, pulling him to a corner.

"You do not break other people's things. That vase was very important to Gabby." I explain and he huffs before sitting on the time out stool.

I help Gabby clean the vase before taking Daniel out of time out. "If I have to come back down here, you're getting popped."

He pouts but nods as I go to the kitchen and fix up a bowl of ramen noodles.

I set it down and start thinking. Leaving Valerie in bed is a bad idea, she'll just stay there and never leave which is super unhealthy.

I walk upstairs and pull Valerie out of bed.

"C'mon love, we're gonna go eat downstairs."

She shakes her head and tried to get back in the bed but I hold her still.

"Please Val, it's super unhealthy for you to retreat like this and your son is gonna need you soon. His dad is dead, you're all he has left." I explain and she gives me a death glare.

"If it's so kuch of a problem to you then we'll leave." She growls and I hold her tighter.

"If you leave, you're going to Ben's. Daniel will stay here, or he will go to Ben's."  I warn and she gives me a look of disgust.

"You'll never see my son again if you try to take him from me."

"Look at me, Valerie." I order and she meets my eyes, "I love you, but I happen to love your kid as well. You're not taking him when your like this so if you'd like to leave your going to Ben's."

"You can't tell me what to do." She snaps, hauling back and slapping me across the face.

I let out a breath and pull her into my arms, holding her tight.

"Calm down. I know your hurting right now but I need you to just calm down love."

She starts sobbing into my arms and I feel as he body just gives out. I lower myself to the floor with her and pull her into my lap, slowly rocking her.

"It's gonna be okay Val, I promise. I know it hurts right now, but it'll get easier."

"If I was with him-"

I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment before lifting her up a bit and slapping her backside.

She looks at me in pure horror and I bring her eyes to meet mine, "It is not your fault. Trust me Valerie I am not letting you go down that path."

"But if I was with him I could have stopped him. Or gone in with him."

I say a silent prayer before laying my legs out flat and pulling Valerie over my lap.

She tries to get up but I hold her down and slap her backside 10 times.

When I pull her up, she's staring at me blankly.

"It is not your fault you hear me? This is NOT your fault. It was God's will and we don't know his plan but Valerie Cheyenne Harper it was not. Your. Fault. Do you understand me?"

She gives me a small nod and I help her off the floor.

"C'mon, let's go wash your face and then you're going to go eat."

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