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We get off the plane after a week of amazing adventures and enjoying each others company, learning the other as a couple rather than parents.

We walk to the terminal and my face falls. Gabby is pouting, and Daniel is pulling Sam's hair.

"I think two kids may be in trouble." I chuckle and Levi groans, throwing his head back.

Sam is asleep in Levi's mom's arms.

"What happened?" Levi asks his Dad and he glares at Levi.

"Those two constantly bickering all week, Gabby has an attitude and Daniel is acting like he ain't got no home training. Was he raised in a barn?" He spits and I feel my face flush.

"No, he wasn't. What happened?"

His mom sighs and in a much calmer manner begins explaining, "Gabby was screaming at Daniel and being a butt head so Daniel threw a remote at her. Your father wasn't home so I tore both their butts up. This was two days ago and Gabby just got her butt whooped again for calling me a non-christian permitted word that starts with a 'B'. I'll let you figure it out again."

"I'll handle it." Levi says darkly and Gabby rolls her eyes.

"Young lady you're about to see a really mean side of me if you do not get your attitude in check right now. Understood?" I ask and she moves closer to her grandpa.

I kneel down and grab Daniel by his waist, "Do you need a spanking?"

"No." He whimpers and I glare at him.

"Apologize for how you acted. Right now." I order and his little lip quivers.

"I sorry." He pouts and their grandma gives him a soft smile.

"It's alright sweet heart."

I pick my son up and set him on my hip as Gabby glares at me.

"Can I see the ring?" She asks holding her hand out in a pissy expression.

"Can you fix your attitude before I fix it for you?" I shoot back and she huffs but wisely quiets down.

"I got our bags" Levi announces walking over, honestly I hadn't even noticed he left.

"Thanks love." I smile as I grab Sam and set him on my other hip.

We all load up after saying our goodbyes and I take a deep breath.

"Gabriella." Levi says darkly, "What did I tell you would happen if you acted a fool and Nana and Papaws?"

"But Dad it wasn't-"

"I asked what I said would happen." He repeats and Gabby has tears cloud her eyes.

"But Papaw used the belt, so It still hurts lots!" She cries, tears slipping down her cheeks.

"Gabby threw a fork at Nana." Daniel smiles proudly and I turn around, landing a swat on his leg.

"Stop it right now. This is not funny and the conversation did not include you. Understood?"

"Yes Mommy." He whispers sadly, a tear slipping down his cheek.

"I love you bubba." I assure him and he nods, wiping the tears off his cheek.

"Gabriella I know you did not throw a fork at my mother." Levi seethes and I place my hand on his arm.

"I didn't mean to!" She cries, throwing her head back, "Papaw already spanked me and I learnt my lesson really really good!"

"That's not the point. I told you to be on your best behavior, and if Nana or Papaw spanked you then you'd get it from me too. You disobeyed me." He explains and fat tears are streaming down the girls face.

"Maybe we can wait for that though." I say quietly and Levi glares at me.

"No, we can't."

"Yes, we can."

"Valerie Anne." He says in a warning tone and I roll my eyes.

"She is my child."

"So she's not mine?" I ask and he sighs.

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

"Do I?" I question and he takes a deep breath.

We pull into the house and Gabby grabs her bag, jumping out the truck and running inside to her room.

"You're being too strict." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"Valerie, let me parent my kid."

"OUR KID!" I scream, slamming my hand down on the hood of his truck.

"Slam your hand on my truck one more time and I'll be slamming my hand into your backside." He snaps and I throw my head back in laughter.

"That's your solution to everything, isn't it?" I ask in a snarky tone and he walks over, taking a grip of my bicep.

"Wanna see my solution to this god awful attitude?"

"Thought you wouldn't spank me for having an attitude."

"Well I can sense you're on your way to landing yourself in a heap of trouble with it. Ava never did this stuff."

"Dig her out the ground then." I spit and his face contorts to pure anger.

"I'll get the kids, go inside."



I jump at his screaming and go to grab my kid, but I feel a hard hand slap down on my thigh.

"Inside." He says so darkly I can't help but comply.

I walk in the house and find Gabby sitting on the couch with her knees to her chest.

"Come here Darlin." I smile, sitting down beside her. She's quick to fall into my arms and before I know it she's crawled completely into my lap.

"She told me she never liked my Mom anyways, I just snapped." She cries and I hold her tighter, not saying a word.

After about five minutes of her crying into my neck, Daniel comes in holding Levi's hand, Samuel sleeping peacefully in his Dad's arms.

"I love you." Gabby sniffles as she gets off my lap and goes upstairs.

I walk over the Levi, because Jesus knows I can't keep my mouth shut, "I hope if I drop dead unexpectedly, you wouldn't let anyone talk down on me to my children. I ought to slap you for Ava."

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