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Valerie POV

The next morning I wake up cuddled into Levi's arms with Daniel jumping all over us.

"GRANDPAS HERE!" He screeches as I groan as I sit up.

"Want me to go down?" Levi mumbles and I shake my head.

"I got it." I mumble to Levi as I stand up and grab Daniel's hand, walking with him downstairs.

When I get downstairs I see Jackson with Gabby over his shoulders, her little head bouncing everywhere.

"I lift full grown men young lady, I'm appalled." He gasps, acting like he's throwing her on the couch but sets her down.

"You." Jackson orders, "Get ya butt upstairs and get dressed and Get Levi up and dressed. I got the kids, we're all going out to breakfast this morning." He orders and I stare dead at him.

"Any lip or anything other than yes sir and I'm happy to chat with you." Jackson smirks and I roll my eyes.

"We'll be ready in 15." I announce and he rolls his eyes .

"That's one of the biggest lies I've ever heard." He chuckles "I'll get Daniel dressed. Gabby go get dressed you've got 15 minutes and if you're done before your Dad and Valerie I'll buy you ice cream later."

I walk upstairs and kiss Levi's head, slightly shaking his arm.

"Jackson said we don't have a choice, we're all going out to breakfast." I announce and he groans.

"Tell him I'm sick." He mumbles, rolling over. He's tired, but so am I. So I do what any loving, charming, amazing girlfriend would do.

I grab a sandal off the floor and smack his backside with it. And I didn't exactly give him a love tap either.

He shoots up out of bed and smirks at me.

"So that's how we're playing?" He asks, grabbing a belt off the floor.

I shriek and run to my closet, locking the door.

I quickly get dressed and poke my head out to see if he's waiting on me, probably hiding someone where so he can get his oh so sweet revenge. Mind you, revenge is a sin. Leave it to God.

I let out a breath of relief and fully open the door,  gasping when someone grabs my wrist.

Levi yanks me towards him and smirks. He turns me to the side and smacks the belt down on my backside, probably harder than I hit him.

"Ow!" I yelp as he gets a playful smirk on his face.

"Now I can either give you 5 licks, or." He pauses and uses his thumb and pointer finger to make me look up him, "Or I can do this."

He wraps his right arm around my waist and his left hand is under my head.

He leans in kisses my kisses me softly, landing a playful swat on my backside.

We walk downstairs and Gabby is getting her butt torn up.

"Woah what's going on?" Levi asks quickly and I press a hand to his chest.

"Calm down."

"She told Daniel to go.... Off himself." He explains and I close my eyes.

"You're now grounded for a month." I announce and Levi shoots me a small glare.

"Natalia's in the car, you can go get in. You're riding with us." Jackson orders, landing another harsh slap on her backside.

"Stop! You're gonna bruise her." Levi orders darkly as Gabby walks outside crying. "Gabriella come here."

Gabby turns around and walks towards her dad, burying her face in his chest.

Levi holds her tight and sends a glare at Jackson.

"Go get in the car sweetie." He says quietly, kissing the top of her head.

She walks outside to the car and Levi turns to Jackson.

"She never cries that much. If she's crying that much, stop." He orders, picking Daniel up off the couch.

We walk outside to the car and Gabby is crying in Natalia's arms.

"I'm going to kick his hind end." Natalia grumbles.

Jackson walks outside as Levi is putting Daniel in his car seat.

"Jackson what have I told you about just spanking kids? Have you lost you're everlasting mind because you KNOW she's been spanked a lot these past few days and you just did it again? You're gonna bruise the poor kid and if you bruise my grand baby IM GONNA BRUISE YOU!" Natalia scolds and Jackson rolls his eyes.

"Get in the car Gabby. You three are riding with us as well. Come on and climb in." Jackson orders and I shrug.

"Saves me gas money." I snort as I grab Daniel so Levi can get his car seat.

We buckle him in as climb in as well, Levi and Gabby sitting in the back row with Me and Daniel in the middle.

"Daisys in town, shes meeting us there." Natalia smiles and I let out a breath.

This will be the first time I've seen her since Drakes funeral.

I miss my best friend.

I instantly look over at Daniel and he's somehow gotten my phone and playing on it.

"Excuse me, did you ask?" I question and he pouts.

"Please Mama." He begs and I smirk.

"Until we get to the diner." I cave and he smiles.

I look bad and Gabby is snuggled deep into Levi's side.

"Gabby I'm sorry. If I had known you stood any chance for bruising I never would have." Jackson apologizes, breaking the silence.

"It hurts." Gabby mumbled and Natalia snorts.

She leans over and after hearing what I heard, I may need a therapist. Or an executioner.

"Do it again and you won't get lucky for the next month." She mmeadnsband Jackson snorts.

"We wouldn't want that now, would we young lady?" He replies, grabbing her hand and kissing it.

I gag and turn back to Levi who raises an eyebrow at me.

I roll my eyes and chuckle, letting a smile creep on my face when I realize Gabby is asleep.

We pull into the diner and unload. Well they unload, I grab Daniel and run inside to go see my sister.

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