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Valerie and I drop the kids off with my parents and my parents are meeting Sam for the first time.

My parents, born and raised in Louisiana, are the most souther people here in the North, so Gabby knows if she acts up, her butt is done for.

Daniel however, does not know and I feel for him. He likes to test boundaries, and my Dad is really good at setting them.

Watching my mother meet both her new grandchildren for the first time is an absolute blessing.

"Oh they are just precious!" She smiles, holding both Daniel and Sam on either side of her hips.

"Ellen, I'd like to see my grandchildren to." My Dad chuckles as he tickles Gabby.

"Alright, best behavior you three." I warn and my Dad smirks.

"Always." Gabby gives a sweet smile and I roll my eyes.

Valerie and I say our goodbyes to the kids and I lay my mouth by Gabby's ear, "You know the rule, you get it here, you get it from me when I get back. Clear?"

"Yes sir." She smiles innocently and I kiss her head.

"Love you Gabbs."

Valerie and I leave and head to the airport.

"Planes freak me out." She confesses quickly and I chuckle.

"Well, you can squeeze my hand during take off and landing."I tease and she playfully hits me in the chest.

"Quit being a jerk." She scoffs and I roll my eyes.

I feel my pocket and she gives me a sideways glance.

"Something wrong?" She questions and I chuckle.

"We're about to have the time of our lives."


We walk into the hotel room and my heart stops.



It's rich people nice

I turn around to say something and my face drops.

Levi gets down on one knee and I think he's proposing, but he's actually tying his shoe.

"What?" He questions, standing back up.

I roll my eyes and playfully slap his chest.

"I love you." I smirk and he pulls me into his arms, holding me tight and swaying back and forth.

"I promise, I love you more." He smiles and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Is it bad that I still miss Drake?" I blurt out and he goes still.

He pulls from the hug and I look him dead in the eyes.

"Absolutely not."

"But if I miss my ex husband does that mean I can't love you?" I break and his face completely falls.

"Baby, he was your best friend and the father of your child, he died in a tragic accident unexpectedly." He begins, holding my chin to keep me looking at him, "I still miss Ava, but being with you is a love I don't deserve a second time."

Levi sits down and pulls me to sit on his lap, just allowing me to fall into him and hold on.

"I love you, I do. But it's just hard." I shrug, "When Daniel asks me when his dad is going to pick him up, it shatters my heart because his dad is gone."

"I'm not a replacement, but I'll always love him as my son. Even, although it won't, but even if we ever split or anything bad happened, I trust you would always look at Gabby and Sam as your own still, just as I would Daniel."

"Can we go get food?"

I have to halt the conversation, because hot tears are threatening to
overflow my eyes.

"In a moment, this is important."

"But I'm hungry." I whine and he rolls his eyes.

"Fine, but this conversation is not over. For you to be crying, it's been on your mind for a while." He notes, using his thumbs to wipe the underneath of my eyes.

He pulls me up and throws his arm over my shoulder, holding me close to his as we walk to the rental car.

As we start going down the road, I notice that he's been holding my hand the entire time.

"What?" He chuckles and I shrug.

"Just questioning if you're real." I smirk and he kisses my hand.

"I'm real, if not you're in danger because I'm driving."


Wrapping this book up to prepare for the sequel! Short chapter while I get my head together for it!

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