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A/N trigger warning is officially in effect if you'd like the details, message me

Valerie PoV

We've been home for about a week and everything's calmed down a little. Levi's trying to convince me to find a new job because he claims to hate me being in the line of fire. Literally.

"Mommy Grandpa's calling!" Daniel screams as he runs up to me.

I take the phone and smile at Jackson.

"Go somewhere Daniel can't hear." He says solemnly and Levi gives me an odd look.

I step outside and I can see Jackson's tears.

"What's going on?" I ask worried, feeling a knot in my stomach.

"You need to get to the hospital." He forces out and in that moment, I swear I could feel my heart plummet.

"Do I need to bring Daniel?"

His nod is what confirms it.

Something's wrong with Drake.

"I'm on my way."

I hang up and rush inside.

"Levi drop Gabby off at Ben's and meet me at the hospital!" I call out and he gives me an odd look as I grab Daniel and my car keys.

"Wallet." He reminds me and I grab my purse.

"Actually ask if she can sit with the neighbors." I rush out and he gives me a funny look.


The two rush out and I see Mrs Green happily let Gabby in.

Levi rushes over and jumps in the drivers seat as I buckle Daniel up.

"Please God, please let him be okay." I pray and Levi places his hand on my thigh.

"What happened?" He asks driving as I'm silently praying.

"Jackson called, something's wrong with Drake."

He starts driving faster and when we pull up to the hospital, Jackson is outside waiting for us.

"Natalia's in the room with him." He says quietly, in a solemn tone.

"What happened?" Levi asks as I fix Daniel on my hip.

"He ran into a house with a fire, no gear, and helped a pregnant lady out. The fire department from the neighboring city wasn't there so he ran back in for the woman's daughter. He was able to get her on the roof and he let her down by tying tree jump ropes together. Before he could get himself out the house-"

"Caved in?" Levi asks and Jackson shakes his head.

"It exploded."

We stop at Drakes room and my breath stops.

Natalia is sitting on a stool, holding his hands and praying.

"Oh my Gosh!" I scream as tears fill my eyes.

"He's brain dead." Jackson says quietly and I feel my heart stop.

Jackson grabs Daniel and I stare blankly at Drake. My husband.

I love this man. He irks my nerves like no other but I love him with my whole heart. We share a son and had a daughter together.

This can't be happening.

"Val!" Levi screams and I come back to reality, feeling my heart start beating rapidly.

"What's wrong with Daddy?" Daniel asks and I take his hands, kneeling down.

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