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Valerie PoV

25 minutes has passed and Gabby is starting to move around.

"I don't like you anymore." She growls and I roll my eyes.

"Your opinion will change in a few days." I shrug and Gabby stomps her foot.

"You're just a bitch!" She screams and I see Levi pulling in.

I grab her arm and pull her to the couch before quickly sitting down and pulling Maher over my lap.

I quickly start in as the door opens and Levi looks at me in shock.

"Swear at me or call me out of my name again little girl, I dare you." I scold as I keep spanking her.

Levi just watches until I let Gabby up and she's sniffling.

She doesn't seem to notice Levi in the room and she keeps on with her temper tantrum.

"You're still a bitch."

I see Levi out the corner of my eye take his belt off but I pull Gabby back over my lap and grab the spoon beside me.

Without a word, I start bringing the spoon down onto her thighs and that gets a reaction.


"You gonna keep speaking to her that way?" Levi asks and Gabby tenses up, probably regretting all of her life choices.

"N-no sir!" She whines and Levi motions for me to stop.

I pull her off my lap and she quickly turns to Levi.


"Get to your room. Now." Levi orders and Gabby looks terrified.

"I gotta to grab Daniel." I announce, walking up to Daniel's room. Just then my phone rings and I answer.

"Yeah Ben?" I ask and he sighs.

"I need you and Levi at the station, now. There's a big emergency. Get Gabby and Daniel to Alayna, they're going out of town. I've already got hotels. Pack a bag for them, grab everything you can't afford to lose, and get them to the station." He orders and I take a gulp.

"Ben what's going on?"

"No time for questions, get here now." He orders before hanging up.

I run downstairs and to Levi.

He's spanking Gabby and I yell at him to stop.

"Gabby go pack a bag of clothes and anything you can't lose." I order and she's quick to comply.

"What's going on?" Levi asks worried and I shake my head.

"Ben just called and he said that he needs us at the station and he's sending Gabby and Daniel with Alayna. Some emergency. Pack anything you can't afford to lose." I explain quickly before running upstairs.

I pack Daniel a bag of clothes and his part of the the necklace I bought him when I found out I was pregnant.

"You're gonna go stay with Aunt Alayna for a bit, okay buddy?"


"Mommy, Daddy, Levi, Uncle Ben, and Grandpa all have to go do some work stuff okay?" I explain as simply as I can and he smiles.


I run to Levi and I's room and he's grabbing a box out of his closet.

"What's that?" I ask and he sighs.

"Ava's stuff, get Daniel and Gabby in the car." He orders quickly and I nod.

Gabby's packing and I shake my head.

"Grab anything you can't lose and I'll send Alayna with my credit card and she can buy you what you need." I order quickly and she nods.

I grab Daniel's bag and all my legal documents before loading them in the car.

Gabby and Levi come running down with bags and Levi loads them in the car.

"I just got a pretty good idea of the emergency." I gulp as I see smoke in the distance.

"Shit." Levi growls and he turns to Gabby.

"Keep these on you at all times." He orders handing her a small box.

We drive as fast as we can to the fire station and Alayna quickly starts loading our stuff in her car.

I bend down and I look Daniel in the eye.

"You remember that I love you so very much." I say trying not to cry and he hugs me.

"It's okay mommy, I'll be back."

I grab a piece of paper and quickly write on it.

I love you my sweet boy.

I love you as a daughter.

I rip the page in half and hand them to Alayna.

"If anything happens to me, give these to those two." I plead and she nods.

She wraps her arms around me and kisses my head.

"You be safe." She orders and Ben looks at me with a sad smile.

"It's taking everything in me not to fire you and put you in that damn car." He whispers, walking over to his daughter Audrea.

She had her name before bitch Audrea was introduced to the family.

"I love you baby girl." He assures her, kissing the top of her head.

Audrea hugs him and Alayna loads her into the car.

"If you go into labor, text me. Have someone in the delivery room with you, understand? Don't do it alone." He says quickly and she nods.

"Be safe, Chief." She orders and he gives her a small smile.

"I'll do my best to make sure we all can go home."

Gabby and Daniel are loaded in the car and we say our goodbyes.

Second shift is in there as well and I'm able to meet new people.

"Alright. Get your gear on, fire tents and all. I don't know how long we have but we've already issued a mandatory evacuation." Ben explains and both Drake and Levi look at me.

We disperse to get our gear on and once we're done Levi pulls me into his office.

He leans back against his desk and crosses his arms, "I'm telling you right now Valerie, I know how you are with the bratty attitude and thinking you know everything-"

"Shut the fuck up." I growl, interrupting him and he stands up, walking over to me.

"Valerie listen to me." He growls, pulling my chin up to meet his eyes, "I swore I would never, but if you disobey a single order or you get hurt by being stubborn, I will top any spanking Ben or Jackson has ever given you."

"Liar." I chuckle and he pulls me closer to him.

"Valerie Anne Andrews, I love you too much to lose you. Gabby can't lose you. Daniel, Ben, Drake, Jackson, they can't either. I can't. I refuse to lose another woman I love. I'm gonna marry you one day, I can't do they if you die trying to prove a point."

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