Chapter 4: More To Her

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Chapter 4

More To Her

"Fuck." I mumbled before placing my plate on the coffee table and standing up.

I turned around and grabbed August's arm pulling him up off of the couch. He needs to get up and get to hiding somewhere else, because if Rah see's him shit is going down, and I can't have that again.

"August can you please go hide in the bathroom?" I whispered. He looked down at me like I was crazy before shaking his head.

"Hell no, fuck I look like, R Kelly or some shit?"

"Come on August please, pretty please just do this for me."

"What the h--"

He couldn't even finish his sentence because Rah started banging on the door again. I know I can't leave him waiting or he'll get suspicious, so I just went ahead and pushed August towards the bathroom door and shoved him in before closing it.

"Please stay in here." I mumbled and then headed back for my apartment door. Rah was in the midst of banging again when I opened it.

He was standing there with a pissed off expression that went away when he saw me. Only the lord knows what this nigga want right now. Theres a whole party goin' on upstairs and he wanna come down here for whatever reason. I can't deal with this dude even on a good day.

"Fuck was you just doin' that you couldn't come answer the door?" He barked after pushing his way in and closing the door behind him.

"Nothing, I just didn't care to entertain you today Rah."

He chuckled and then stepped around me and headed into the kitchen. I watched while he flipped open the pizza box, and then looked at it oddly. He looked up at me muggin' me and then came back into the living room and picked up one of the two plates I accidentally left on the table. Fuck.

"Who's plate is this O'Shae?" He asked with his eyebrows raised. I needa think of something quick.


"You must think I'm stupid or some shit." He chuckled. "Dink is upstairs witcho lyin' ass. So who's plate is this O'Shae?" He yelled and then threw the plate at the wall behind me.

I screamed before Rah grabbed my arm making me yank violently trynna get out of his grip. He still held on and then grabbed me by my neck with his other hand. This feeling is all too familiar and I started to get pissed off that he was even doing this shit again, but before I could even make my next move, August was flying out of the bathroom door, and shoved Rah off of me.

"Say, nigga, fuck is you doin' puttin' yo hands on her like that?" He yelled. Rah looked past August at me with shock, and then looked back at Aug and shook his head.

"I know you ain't messin' wit' this nigga O'Shae. "

"Nigga so the fuck what if she is? Don't be comin' ova hea' puttin' yo damn hands on nobody, I see you gotta problem wit' that." Aug stated. "You wanna put yo damn hands on somebody you ca put them on me." He challenged Rah, trynna step up to him, but I pulled his arm back getting him away from him.

I'm not finna sit here and let these two get into it. This ain't even August's battle to fight.

"Let it go August, don't even try him." I warned.

"Nah, let the nigga come and get handled."

"No! Rah, get the fuck out of my house."

He shook his head and stepped closer. "Naw, this nigga finna get the fuck out."

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