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Nothing is worse than an I told you so from yourself about something you knew all along.

After August made his big break to California, he realized that the music industry was definitely made for him. It was work non stop, but it was well worth it; that is until five months into his move and he still hadn't gotten to see his long distance girlfriend. He was trying as best he could, but he knew as well as anybody that there contact was getting more scarce as the days went on. Between meetings, being in the studio, and different time zones he seemed to not be able to make enough time to catch up with his girl.

It wasn't necessarily August's fault. His schedule just put him at a bad cross roads that ultimately ended up pushing O'Shae farther away. With little time for her and more time for the music, August started finding female companionship in someone more "in his lane". It never let completely right to speak with any other girl that wasn't his girl, but he couldn't help what he felt. Of course feelings arise having this new girl around more than his old one, and this left O'Shae wondering where they stood, but it was too clear when August finally got the guts to tell O'Shae over video chat, that he was feelin' this new girl.

That was the video chat that changed it all for O'Shae. Seeing that even with the limited time to speak, she was putting forth the most effort to try and keep their relationship alive. Even making a trip out to Cali that turned out to be a bust after being stood up every night for business reasons. She tried, but she knew better than anyone that she'd be the one to say "I told you so" sooner than later.

It sucked watching her best friend and first true love fade away right in front of her eyes, but there's only so much she could do on her end. After awhile it got a little draining and with the time she wasn't using to speak with her out of town boo, she was using to focus on her self. Between school work and her job she definitely tried to have a little me time and make a couple girlfriends to make up for the lack in friendships. Meeting some new friends allowed her to meet even more new people including a certain handsome guy that took a big interest in her. Of course Shae was more standoffish to the idea of getting to know a new guy until the dreaded video chat came in. After that she had the go-ahead, and even though it was tough moving on Mr. New Boo made it a lot more easier.

Now it's onward from here with both of these two on the journey to success.

So much for promising.

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