Chapter 12: One More Night

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Chapter 12

One More Night

August and I were on our way back to my apartment, and I was just laying back with my eyes closed. It turns out that my ribs are infact fractured in three different spots. I'm bothered by that simply because the doctor said I shouldn't be moving so much these next few weeks as they heal on their own simply because they could puncture my lung or something. That means half days at school, and then work. That sounds alright 'til all the damn work starts piling up, I'm just happy some of my teachers live stream their classes so I might be straight.

"You want anythang ta eat ma?" August asked me after looking from the road over to me. He insisted on driving us back so I just went ahead and let him.

"Yea we can go pick up a pizza or something."

He smacked his lips, and made a turn in the opposite direction of my complex and I sat up looking at him confused. "Where are you taking me sir. Pizza Hut, and my apartment is the other way."

"Naw, I'm finna go take you ta get some real food."

"I don't want real food. I want something fast, so I can go home and you got back to your dorm."

"Why you bein' mean ta me O'Shae? I already apologized foe what I said."

I rolled my eyes just thinking back to it. It really annoyed the piss out of me that he'd think to say what he said last night when he don't know me like that or the situation to be calling me dumb. He ain't gotta speak on shit he don't know about, it's annoying. I do enjoy that he cares as much as he does because it's been a while since someone's cared so much, but he gotta chill. I like August a lot, and I don't want to see him hurt all because he wanna stick up for me. I've been dealing with this for years so I'm pretty sure I can continue to handle it without his help.

"Okay, thank you for that, but I'm not bothered by that, I'm bothered that you want to fight Rah so bad and you won't let it be."

"That's why you mad? You mad because someone is actually willing to stick up for you and be there for you? You backwards as hell yo." He chuckled.

I didn't say anything else, because it had sparked in me; he's right. I am blowing up on him because he's just doing what he feels is right, and he wants to be there for me. It's stupid when he says it, and makes me feel like a dumb ass, but he don't understand what Rah can do, what I've seen him do. I just get mad because I don't want him to damn near walk into his own trap.

Neither of us said anything until we pulled into a driveway of some house. I looked around while August opened his door, and started to get out. I wasn't able to ask him anything because he closed the door on me so I just got out too, and jogged to catch up with him at the front door.

"August who's house is this?" I asked him while he pulled his keys out.

"Mine." He cheesed before unlocking the door, and letting me step in ahead of him.

We both walked in and I smelled food all through the house. It was smellin' too right, I'm damn near tempted to run up in the kitchen my damn self, but I had to remind myself that this ain't my house. I turned to look at August, and he smiled before grabbing my hand, and leading me through the living room, and into the kitchen. When we got in, August's mother was at the stove throwin' all types of spices onto some chicken, and singing to whatever gospel song the radio had playing.

"Mama!" August called out. She turned around towards us, and frowned before going to turn the radio down.

"Now I know you ain't just walk yo narrow ass up inta my kitchen wit' out a call or nothin'." She nagged August as she came to stand in front of us. "Done went off to college, and only call me every now and again, ain't stepped foot in this house since you left."

Different Playing Fields (August Alsina)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin