Chapter 7: Gotta Spell

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Chapter 7

Gotta Spell

"Is you nervous boo?" Corina asked while she sat on the edge of the tub in my bathroom while I went ahead and did my makeup.

"No I'm not actually. Let this be any other nigga and maybe I would be, but I don't know. I have this thing for August where I'm just comfortable, and happy around him more than anything. " I explained while I smiled a little.

I could see Corina's face in the mirror and watched while a smirk appeared on her face, and then she shook her head. "You already sprung, and don't even know nothin' about him."

"I am not sprung!" I defended as I threw on a little powder. "I just like him."

"Ooh, whatchu think Raheem gone do if he find out you actually like a guy, and you goin' on a date with him?"

I didn't want to think about any of that tonight, but of course the thought ain't stray to far from my brain. I know that me liking August is a damn risk in itself, let alone going on an actual one-on-one date with the dude, but I can't stay away from him. I want to go on this date and completely forget about Rah, but I know it's going to be hard with that nagging voice in the back of my head reminding me how much this shit could back fire. I'm praying to God it don't though.

"I don't know, probably throw another hissy fit." I shrugged, knowing damn well if he finds out he'll be throwing more than a fit.

She nodded and just let me continue on with my makeup seeing that I only had thirty more minutes until August is suppose to be here. He finally had someone drop his car from home, off the other day so now he's been super happy about that and has offered to pick me up for our date tonight. I was more than okay with that, and the more I even think about us going on a date the more excited I get. I haven't been on a legit date in about a year and some months now so this'll be nice.

I finished up my makeup and then cleaned everything up before heading into my room, and grabbing my outfit that I had laid out on the bed. I was just gone settle on a black romper and some gold sandals for the night. From what Aug has told me I need to dress comfortable, and this outfit is definitely comfortable and cute all at the same time. Honestly I struggled like hell picking out an outfit because I want so badly to impress August.

"That outfit is so cute Shae." Corina complimented as I turned around in the mirror to look at myself.

"Thanks girl. Can you come and tie the top for me though?"

"Yup, I gotchu." She got up from the bed, and come over tying the back of it for me, and then passing me my earrings.

Once I thought I looked good enough I stepped out of my room, with Corina in toe, and headed for the living room to wait. Cori sat down on the couch next to me, and faced me while I did the same to her.

Corina, and I have only been friends since the beginning of last school year, but I really love her. She like a sister I ain't ever have, but I got her now, and I'm grateful for her. She gives me all those heart-to-hearts I never got have with my mama or anyone else, but Corina has been filling that void for a little over a year now.

"So seriously though O'Shae, do you really see yo self dating this dude?"

I chewed the inside of my cheek thinking for a little bit before nodding. "Yea actually, I do."

"You sure?"

"Yea Corina, why wouldn't I want to be with him?"

"I don't know girl, it's just that he's so..."

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