Chapter 6

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The beginning of our carriage ride is filled with slightly awkward but playful glances between us. T
he road is rocky and the sun is beginning to set outside. The golden glow perfectly contrasts Sherlock's annoyingly beautiful face and makes his singular stray curl glow delicately. Next thing I know, he clears his throat and I snap out of my trance-like state to see his eyes on me, I had been caught staring. My head turns to the side as my cheeks flush with embarrassment, luckily Sherlock breaks the tension, "So, I was thinking
maybe I was too harsh with what I said, i'm not one to pay attention to emotions, I am sorry"
I snap my head back around with wide eyes and raised brows "Have you gone quite mad?" Sherlock chuckles as he leans back entirely into the seat "Well you've known me but two days, I may have always been mad for all you know." Eyes rolling to the Gods, I take his hand and hold it tight "I appreciate your apology."

He looks at our hands intertwined and leaves them be. "This Moriarty is clever, perhaps better than you and I though I hate to admit it. All I mean is they would see it coming, they know how we think." I smile at his word choices, perhaps he actually pays attention when I speak, shock horror.
" I may have been entirely opposed to the idea of a partner, but I must admit you are growing on me. I am not one to make cases personal or deliberately sabotage because I do not like someone, I assure you. I trust that the both of us can make the right calls, and put whatever ill will we had aside now." His free hand joins the pile and holds me tighter, caressing my fingers ever so gently.

For a moment I find myself memorising each and every detail of his being, as though down to the very atoms. I catch a glimpse of the universe and become starstruck, being drawn to it, every fibre of my being wanting to be one with it, with him.

Oh no, I'm falling in love.

"We're approaching!" Calls the driver, our lulling silence comes to an end. Our hands finally drift apart, "Well, are you ready?" Sherly exists the carriage first, extending his arm for me to balance on as I exit. "Well of course, I have to be. We can't exactly turn back now." Smacking his arm away, I step out and stupidly almost lose my balance, to which he laughs. "I was just checking."

I start to walk to the entrance and I can't help but admire this grande chateau, beautiful greenery surrounds the modern architecture. It feels very dystopian. Sherlock comes up behind me and grabs me by the waist, he leans down ever so slightly and whispers in my ear "Remember, we are to appear madly in love." I turn my head so that we are so very close our noses are touching "I thought we had no plan?"

"... Well this is a necessity."

"Fine, "
It won't be hard, and I won't be acting. Let's not mention that to him though. "you realise that means we'll likely be expected to dance at some point?"

A deep sigh escapes his lips and he nods, which is all the response I receive. Great egon boost, mhm. There are many people coming to attend this ball, so it may be hard to get around all of them, but we can pin point which ones are in their inner circles.

I suppose being discreet is out of the question because many people's are staring at Sherlock Holmes and 'his mystery woman'. Utterly ridiculous, i'm not a nobody. Something else I notice about these lavish people is that they possess something we do not, something rather important that Sherly forgot to mention.


"Sherlock, how are we to get inside? We have no invitations." My voice hushed, I wouldn't dare let anyone overhear, a rather stupid overlooked piece on our part.

"Oh relax, I'll do what I usually do. It works every time." He says rather too smugly. "You do make it truly difficult not to despise you sometimes, you know that?"

"Ha, so I've been told."

The doorman sees us approaching, our pace again not slowing down for him. I still feel slightly uncomfortable doing this so Sherlock has to tighten his grip on me quite a bit. As we get to the doorway the doorman tried to stop us.


"Don't be ridiculous."

How the fuck did that work?

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