Chapter 15

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I stayed with Edith through the night, Eudoria is arriving just before dawn, and then we can save Enola before the prison working day begins. "Do you think she's alright?" I asked Edith quietly.

"I'm not sure, Enola is strong... but that place has the worst of the worst."

I couldn't sleep. The idea of Enola, who I mentally adopted as my little sister, could be anywhere from being by entirely fine to experiencing brutality on a level I would only wish upon real murderers. It didn't sit right with me how Grail could condemn her like this, or that Sherlock left me to do this. Where is he?
If he's at his moldy apartment sleeping content we will be having harsh words.


"Oi, wake up." Edith's soft voice woke me up earlier than I would ever dream. "I have the right awaiting, Wudoria's just arrived. We should make it within an hour if you hurry eating breakfast." She tossed me an apple strudel, odd breakfast item, but I do love apples. "You'll need your energy in case things go sideways."

"Thank you, Edith." I say groggily while taking a bite and walking down with her. "Does this happen often?"

"Mm, Enola certainly gets into some tangles but it's never been quite so serious before. Murder... Sick to frame a 17 year old girl."

"She's so different than most other girls I have met. I feel so attached to her, like she's my own little sister. She doesn't deserve this"

Edith gives a sympathetic smile. We walk out to the cold, stinging air of early morning. I hope my little Archie isn't feeling the cold. A manky little wagon is in the ally and I see a silhouette of a woman beside it. Eudoria. I feel wave of anxiety rush over me, why am I scared to meet her? "Ah, you are here finally. " The mother of the detective geniuses spoke chipperly. "I do suggest we hurry, I do not want Enola in there for much longer and every second we are here is a second wasted."

Edith sits in the drivers seat and Eudoria and I sit awkwardly beside each other. An awkward silence passes before one of us speaks "So, who are you?" She asks in a spitfire tone.

I stutter trying to find some dignity "Y/N, I'm a detective. I'm friends with Enola and...Sherlock." I feel myself go bright red after saying his name, it feels dirty.

"Sherlock's friend." her tone slightly amused now. "An important friend?"

"I like to think."

"Known him how long?"

"Almost 2 months."

"And how is it you met him?"

I smirk to myself trying not to laugh "Stole his case."

She takes a moment of thought before extending her arm "Lovely to make your acquaintance."

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