Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning with Archibald pawing at my face like a little baker boy. "Good morning, my baby" I sit up and sit cuddle him "I missed you."

"You weren't gone that long." mum says while coming in and opening the curtains.

"My words still stand true." I give her a grin and she comes over to scoop up Archie in her hands.

"What is this?" I say while motioning to the thievery of my child.

"I'll give him back after you get out of bed and join us for breakfast." They then stroll out of the room. I sigh, my bed is so warm, it's sad to leave it. But alas, sacrifices need to be made sometimes. I put on a warm robe to cover my nightgown and keep me more warm, although, i know it won't last long, I get cold if the weather isn't suited to the hottest summer.

Downstairs, I walk beside my father who has just grabbed the newspaper. "Eventful night, dear?" He teases.

"You told dad too?" my face blushes red out of embarrassment.

"I'm the one that will have to approve the marriage, aren't I?" He says with a playful grin.

"We are not getting married" I laugh

"Well, you don't know that for certain yet." He grabs the teapot and pours the tea. Our maid Mrs. Lancey eyes him nervously.

"Sir, you do realise you have someone to get your breakfast for you?" She says laughing at the sight of this proper man struggling with a teapot.

I take a seat next to Charlotte as Mrs Lancey sets down my breakfast "Thank you" I say with a smile.

"You should eat quickly, surely you are anxious to see your lover boy again." Charlotte comments while smiling into her bite.

"He is not my lover." I pause for a moment "I think. I am unsure what we are, but yes I am anxious to see him again."

Mumma taps my haad reassuringly "What ever you two decide on, it will be with love and grace... And if not your father can deal with him." She smile innocently, her eyes piercing. I can't help but feel loved though.

I practically scoff my food down, to avoid the slightly uncomfortable comments and also because I did not lose hours of sleep last night just to feel fine about every thing right now. I need to do night time me justice and go to Sherlock's. We also still need to solve the case but, oh well.

I put on some fun pants today, they're green and have a heart sewn into the back pocket. I thought it a nice detail. "I left some cat food for Archie, makes sure he eats it" I am being rushed out the door "And remember i'll be home after dinner so don't wait for me" more ushering "And-" Well, I just got a door slammed in my face. I sigh and turns around to the waiting carriage. "221b Baker Street please, Brimsley. "


The carriage ride was as usual, nothing I want to detail yet again. I make my way up the stars of his apartment complex and feel a knot in my stomach increase with each step I take. What if he regret it? Or doesn't respect me anymore?

I have reached his door. I take a deep breath and knock two times. I wait an awkward moment for a reply, but none. I try again and have the same outcome. Bollocks. A deep sigh escapes me, I decide to leave and make it a few places before crashing into that familiar figure. I look up at him wide eyes and caught off guard

"Sherlock." I whisper out, exasperated. He stares at me for a moment, perhaps unsure of what to say.

"Y/N" He replies in the same tone as my own. His exoression change into that of joy and he takes my hand and leads me into his home. "I have been eager to see you again."

Taken aback, I can hardly find words "You have?" Is it good or bad? "Why?" I asked cautiously.

"Well, after last night I believe a talk is much needed."

"Yes, I was thinking the same thing." I feel relief, but there is still a lingering fear of how this talk may go.

"You know I admire you..." He starts.

"Oh dear, it's going to be bad isn't it?" I interrupt him.

He smacks his lips "It depends on how you wanted this to go."

"Well, how is it going?"

A/N: I want to leave you on a cliffhanger because I am evil and mischievious (I also am not sure which way i want him to go sooo)

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