Chapter 16

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"Okay, I'm going to plant this at the wall, you two stay here." We had reach the prison 30 minutes ago and just heard people falling out. Edith plants the explosive device and the alarms begin to go off crazily once it explodes. I see Enola and Edith rushing over here.

"Surprise!" Eudoria said with jazz hands before rushing her in and hugging her quickly.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Enola asks me curiously.

"Your brother sent me to help get you out. Well, I would have come anyway but... you get it." I say awkwardly.

"Look out!" Edith yells hazardly from behind us. Gunshots blow right beside my head. We all get down to avoid being hit by the raging gunfire.

"Are you alright, Edith?" I shout with concern, hoping she has not been hit. She is the only one not protected by walls.

"Just about!"

Time skip because this was so very chaotic and impossible to say everything.

We've just blown up the carriage and anyone in a close proximity. "Well, that was the most exhilarating thing I've done in a while." I say panting with a grin in my face.

"Don't get out much?" Eudoria replies patting my back while walking over to her daughter.

"Apparently not" I laugh and finish catching my breath.

"So, how's that useless boy of yours?" Eudoria, Enola, and Edith walk ahead of me. Lost in their own conversation. "I hear he I'd doing good work."

"He is."

"We'll then, perhaps not so useless after all." A smirk reaches my lips overhearing their conversation. You can tell they're all related, such stubborn, yet observational people are the most entertaining and enticing.

... And sometimes annoying.

Eudoria leans into Enola and whispers something I can not read before, almost, inconspicuously tipping her head at me. Enola's face scrunches funnily, "They are  colleagues," her lips read. "That is all." For some reason I am surprised she does not realise what her brother and I do together... she is a detective and we are clumsy.

Sherlock is an odd fish though. Like a Cichlid, quick to break free from relationships, whether platonic or not so.

Is that my fate aswell?

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