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Cami screamed and quickly rushed to the floor.
She put her hand on Lilly's neck to see if she was still alive. She sighed in relief when she felt a small pulse. She then immediately called Klaus.
"What's wrong?"-K
Klaus could hear her sobs through the phone.
"Lilly needs your help! Please!"-C
Klaus ended the call and within seconds he was at Cami's house. He could smell the blood and went into Lilly's room to see Cami on the floor sobbing. He crouched down and fed his blood to Lilly.
"What happened?"-K
"I found her like this."-C
Cami's voice was filled with fear, making Klaus hug her to comfort her.
"She's okay."-K
Cami took a few deep breaths and hugged Klaus.
"Who would do this?"-C
"I'll find them. I promise."-K
Klaus cleaned the tears off her face and then heard a gasp from behind.
Cami moved away from Klaus and went to Lilly.
Lilly was shivering in fear and Klaus offered her his jacket.
"You're okay."-C
Cami was relieved and hugged her. She then broke the hug to look at Lilly.
"Who stabbed you?"-C
"I don't know. They stabbed me from behind and they left before I fell."-L
Cami looked at Klaus.
"A vampire?"-C
Klaus went over to Lilly-who hugged him.
"Thank you."-L
"You're okay. That's all that matters."-K
Klaus smiled at her and then picked up the dagger that was used to stab her.
"I'll get Freya to do a locator spell."-K
"She's in Mystic Falls."-C
"I'll ask Davina."-K
Klaus stood up, looking at Cami.
"You're coming with me."-K
"I'll be fine."-C
"The safest place for you is next to me."-K
Klaus looked at Lilly.
"Both of you."-K
Cami nodded and stood up, holding Lilly's hand.
"Let's go."-C
They all went back to the Mikaelson Compound.

'The Mikaelson Compound'

"What do you want, Klaus?"-DC
Davina marched out.
"I need you to do a spell."-K
Davina scoffed.
"I don't do anything for you."-DC
Cami put her hand on Klaus' arm.
"Let me."-C
Cami stood infront, still holding Lilly's hand.
"What happened?"-DC
Davina looked at Lilly's bloody clothes.
"We need you to do a locator spell to find who did this to her."-C
Davina nodded and walked to the room where Freya would do her spells.
Davina raised her hands and began the spell.
"Phesmatos Tribum Nos Ex Malom. Phesmatos Tribum Nos Ex Malom."-DC
She sighed and shook her head.
"Whoever it was, they're cloaked by an incredibly strong witch."-DC
"What should we do?"-C
Cami sat down, feeling dizzy. She put her hand on her head and looked back up at Davina.
"Can you get me some water please?"-C
"Yeah ofcourse."-DC
Davina looked at her friend, concerned and went to the kitchen.
Klaus sat next to her.
"Are you feeling okay?"-K
"I'm fine it's probably just something I ate."-C
Lilly watched them both while still standing. Cami groaned in pain and leaned against Klaus.
She then put her hand on her throat as if she was choking on something. She then moved away from Klaus and began coughing continuously.
Klaus tried to help her but nothing he did seemed to work. She then began coughing blood over Klaus. Davina came in and dropped the glass on the floor, spilling water everywhere.
"What's happening?"-L
Lilly looked at Davina for answers but Davina stood watching Cami blankly.
A few seconds later, the floor was covered in blood.
"It's magic. I...I can't reverse it but you could take her to Rousseau's. The magic will stop working."-DC
Klaus picked up Cami in his arms and vanished within seconds.

Klaus' shirt was drenched in blood and once they arrived Cami coughed a couple more times while trying to get the remaining blood out her throat. Klaus offered her a glass of water and within seconds she drank it.
Her eyes were watering from the pain and she gasped for breaths as she reached for Klaus. He held her and Cami felt safe and protected in his arms.
"I'm sorry."-C
"For what?"-K
Klaus spoke with a calm and quiet voice.
"You're covered in blood."-C
Klaus softly chuckled.
"It doesn't bother me."-K
Cami smiled and moved closer to his chest. Klaus' arms hugged her, making her feel more comfortable. After a few minutes, she had fell asleep in his arms.

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