We're In This Together

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I know I haven't been updating as quickly recently. This is because I've been focused on editing the first book of this series. I've been editing it because I just hated the way I had written it, the detail, the speed I wrote it with, and there were just some things that would make no sense. I've also changed the format for my writing but unfortunately, this book is written in my old format so I've been forced to keep it like that until I've finished it which is when I can start editing it the way I want. For my first book, the plot is the same, but it's just better. I've added more detail, descriptions, more of a storyline, and most importantly, more Klamille. Anyway, I just wanted to apologise for the time I've been taking to update. It's just really annoying having to go back and forth with writing styles, especially when you hate writing one way. Okay, that's it from me. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Oh, and if Cami's baby was still alive, she'd be like a year and a half. Yes, I know it doesn't fit time wise, but you'll find out why soon.

Freya explained to the others about how to kill the Dereas witches.
"We need a dagger that's been enchanted by a powerful witch."-F
Damon turned to Klaus.
"Hand over the daggers."-D
Damon put his hand out. Klaus narrowed his eyes at Damon's hand.
"I would be an idiot if I kept them on me throughout the day."-K

"Well, you are an idiot so pass them."
Klaus rolled his eyes at the century old vampire.
"Freya, please continue."-K
"A strong venom will need to be mixed in with a Dereas witch's blood."-F
"Would mine work?"-H
"The venom has to belong to the most venomous creature on the earth. I believe  that honour belongs to our friend Marcel."-F
"You've got to be joking. We need Marcel's blood? Like he's going to cooperate."-R
"It's worth a try, Beks."-KM

While everyone discussed how to kill the witches, Cami managed to sneak down into the basement to see Enzo.
She walked through the dark halls that led to the basement. To her luck, the Augustine vampire vamped up to her after hearing his name.
"Cami, hey. Are you here to explain?"-EN
"About that, you should've talked to me in private. Now everyone up there knows about something that I never wanted to come out in the first place."-C

Enzo put his hands up in surrender.
"How was I meant to know that you had a group of twenty people listening into our conversation?"-EN
"You have vamp hearing, for God's sake, use it."-C
"Okay, how about instead of screaming at me about something, I can't change and tell me how the hell you are a mother. And who's the baby daddy, that original hybrid upstairs?"-EN

She took a step towards him. The dimly lit room seemed to tighten with tension, shadows playing on the walls as the weight of the unspoken pressed down.
"That is not any of your damn business."-C
Enzo scoffed and smiled at her, a mix of scepticism and curiosity etched on his face. The flickering candlelight painted shifting patterns, adding an eerie touch to the scene.
"You don't know who he is, do you?"-EN
"Enzo, shut up."-C

Enzo shook his head, the room now enveloped in a palpable silence, broken only by the distant hum of the city outside.
"Not until you tell me."-EN
"Tell me."-EN
"I said no, and I'm pretty sure you speak English, so what aren't you getting?"-C
"I'm not leaving until you tell me."-EN
"Well, I'm not telling you."-C

Enzo crossed his arms, the silence echoing with unspoken challenges.
"Then I'm not going."-EN
"You're not funny."-C
"I'm not trying to be, but we all know I am."-EN

Their exchange carried an undercurrent of tension, each word a skirmish in a battle of wills. The soft glow of the flickering candles cast dancing shadows on the walls, reflecting the inner turmoil playing out.
"You wish."-C

Nostrils flaring, Enzo leaned in, eyes locked onto Cami's. The room felt smaller, the intensity between them thickening the air.
"No, what I wish is that you tell me about this secret baby."-EN
"You wouldn't understand."-C
"Then explain it to me!"-EN

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