British Hospitality

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"Lorenzo? Where have I heard of that?"-C
"Perhaps on some hot guy magazine."-EN
"Oh another flirty guy with a British accent. Guess I have a type."-C
Cami took the collar of his jacket and pulled him closer.
"I heard that you have a thing for accents."-EN
"Where'd you hear that?"-C
"Another blonde friend of mine."-EN
Cami let go of his collar and crossed her arms.

Cami chuckled.
"Jealous? Of you? You clearly don't know me at all."-C
"Then why the attitude?"-EN
"I just remembered that you're that vampire Caroline told me about."-C
"Ahh, Caroline, is she still after that boyfriend of yours?"-EN
"No, she got her hybrid boyfriend."-C
"Sorry to hear that but perhaps we can keep each other company? I'm in need of a new murder buddy."-EN

"What happened to Damon?"-C
"Damon's trying to be a good boy these days. He's trynna get the girl."-EN
"And you?"-C
"The only girl I'm trying to get is you."-EN
"Charming, really, but I'm going to need a five page essay about all the pros and cons of being your 'murder buddy'."-C
"How about a drink instead?"-EN
Cami looked down to see Enzo holding a glass of .
"That sounds fantastic."-C
Enzo gave her the glass and lead her to a table.

He moved the chair out for her and when she sat, he carefully tucked her in.
"Ooh, I love a gentleman."-C
"It's British hospitality, darling. But you would know that, wouldn't you?"-EN
"Now who sounds jealous?"-C
"Just need to make sure I have you all to myself."-EN
"I don't belong to anyone."-C
"Not yet."-EN
Enzo winked at her before politely asking a waiter for a bottle of bourbon.

Klaus walked back to where he would normally find Cami these days. He entered the bar and quickly spotted Cami who was still talking to Enzo. Klaus approached them quickly and received an annoyed glance by both the vampires. Enzo looked up from the table to see Klaus looming over them.
"Sorry mate, we're a bit busy."-EN
"Well mate, I'm afraid this girl's spoken for."-K
"Oh really? Where is this guy?"-EN
Klaus turned to Cami.
"Your friend here seems very charming but I do expect you to pick better company after our time together."-K
"She has the best company this world can ask for, isn't that right, gorgeous?"-EN
Cami chuckled, knowing that Enzo was attempting to make Klaus jealous.
"Well, I don't know about that, but Enzo here is much more fun to spend time with."-C
"Is that right?"-K
Enzo stood up and faced Klaus.
"It is, now you should probably get going."-EN
"Who are you to tell me what to do?"-K
"Leave, Klaus. Nobody wants you here."-C
Enzo took a step back from Klaus.
"Camille, you should have told me I was speaking to The Klaus Mikaelson."-EN
"You didn't exactly give me time to introduce you."-C
"I apologise."-EN
Enzo put his hands together.
"Oh please forgive me King Mikaelson."-EN
Enzo turned to Cami.
"Should I bow?"-EN
"With his big ego, I don't think he'd mind."-C
Enzo nodded and took a playful bow in front of Klaus.

"Leave before I rip your tongue from your mouth and feed it to the wolves."-K
"I'll leave if the lady asks me to."-EN
They both turned to Cami.
"Wow, what did I do to deserve this? Two British men fighting over me."-C
Cami put her hand on her heart.
"However will I choose?"-C
Enzo chuckled while looking directly at Klaus.
"Klaus, I'm sure we can get along. After all, we both seem to have a thing for blondes."-EN
"Oh yeah, where is Caroline?"-C
"I wouldn't know, love. After your mess at the cafe, I think she's quite busy."-K
"She called you?"-C
Cami mumbled to herself.
"Of course she did."-C

"What mess?"-EN
"I killed two people."-C
"What for?"-EN
"I was hungry."-C
"Are you still hungry?"-EN
"Well, I wouldn't mind some more of the fresh stuff."-C
"How about we grab a quick bite?"-EN
"Sure, how about nerdy teen over there?"-C
Cami pointed towards a young teenager sitting at a table revising for something. Enzo smiled and pointed towards someone on the other end of the bar.
"How about cute and innocent over there?"-EN
There was a girl in her early twenties, enjoying a drink by herself.
They both began laughing while Enzo lent a hand to Cami who was about to take it before Klaus intervened. Everyone quickly scattered after seeing Klaus in his current state.

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