The Academy Explosion

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Cami, Lilly, and Rebekah were mostly silent for the drive to the academy except for a couple of questions about the truth sphere here and there. Once Cami was up to date with what everyone had been planning while she and Enzo were cleaning up the body in her house, she sat in silence, as did the others. Lilly wasn't sure what happened between them, but she could sense the tension between them and decided to stay quiet.

The map said that they had 10 minutes remaining until they made it to their destination. After a sigh and adjusting herself straight in her seat, Rebekah spoke.
"How much further is it?"-R
"Around 10 minutes."-C
Cami kept her response short and dry, not wanting to keep a conversation going even though she knew that she'd have to make things right with Rebekah eventually
"Can't you try getting there in 5?"-R
"I could, along with a couple of speeding tickets."-C
"So? We could compel the officers."-R
"I'm pretty sure being stopped by the police would take us around five minutes, which then adds up to 10, which is also the exact time it's taking us to get there at a normal speed so just sit tight and we'll be there in 10."-C
"Fine, but it won't hurt to speed up a bit."-R
"Okay then."-C
Cami increased the speed of the car slightly, going at the exact speed limit.

After about 2 minutes, Cami's ringtone began to play, annoying Rebekah, who had just started to relax again in her seat.
"Answer the bloody phone, will you?"-R
"I will just give me a minute."-C
Cami stopped at a red light, then answered the call that was from Klaus. She put the phone on speaker and kept her eyes on the road.

"Hey Klaus, is everything okay?"-C
"Everything's fine, I was simply checking in on you. Have you made it to the academy?"-K
"We'll be there in 5 minutes."-C
"And is my sister bothering you?"-K
"Nik! Why must you always assume the worst from me?"-R
"The worst is normally the truth, sister."-K
"Doesn't mean you can't have a little faith in me!"-R

They both heard a sigh come from Klaus.
"I'll take that as my cue to leave."-K
"Wait, Klaus?"-L
"Yes, sweetheart?"-K
"How's Aiden doing?"-L
"He's confused. You're going to have to fix that soon, you know?"-K
"I know, can you talk to him for me?"-L

Rebekah chuckled, imagining Klaus giving advice to a teenager about his love life.
"I'm sorry, love, communication is key in a relationship. You're going to have to talk to him yourself, but rest assured that if he breaks your heart, I'll break his, non metaphorically speaking."-K
Cami rolled her eyes and let out a small chuckle.
"Okay, there will be no breaking hearts or anything else to do with hurting anyone."-C
"Of course not, love. I would never. But if you mind doing me a favour and passing the phone to Lilly?"-K

Cami gave her phone to Lilly.
"Am I on speaker?"-K
"Okay, take me off speaker for a minute."-K
Lilly did as she was told and put the phone to her ear. Seconds later, Lilly began laughing, and Cami shouted.
"I heard that!"-C
Lilly put the speaker on again.
"Well, then I should get going."-K
"Klaus, don't you dare!"-C
"Bye love, stay safe."-K
Klaus ended the call, and Lilly began laughing, and Rebekah also let out a chuckle or two.

The last minutes of the drive were filled with giggles, and the tension between Rebekah and Cami seemed to fade for a while. They finally made it, and Cami parked the car close to the building, already spotting the same woman who guarded the door last time they had come. Lilly also noticed her.
"You think she'll let us in?"-L
"It's worth a try."-C
"If not, then she'll find out what happens when she denies an Original of what she wants."-R
"Don't kill anybody. We're not here for that."-C
"Who said anything about killing?"-R
Rebekah winked at Cami and got out of the car. The other girls followed her example and did the same. They headed towards the front gate, where the lady began looking them up and down.

"Oh, it's you guys again."
"You remember?"-L
"How could I not? You're that witch kids girlfriend, aren't ya?"
"Yeah, yeah, that's me."-L
The girl looked up at Cami and Rebekah. She pointed at Cami first.
"You're the girlfriend's mother."
"That's me."-C
Finally, the woman in her late 30s looked at Rebekah.
"And you are?"
"I'm Rebekah."-R
"Rebekah, who?"
"My wife, Rebekah."-C
Rebekah looked at Cami, giving her a look that said, "What the hell are you doing?" Cami ignored the fact that Rebekah was staring at her and continued talking to the guard.
"You're wife?"
She looked Cami up and down once again.
"You have a wife?"
"Yeah, we just recently got married."-C
"Guess yall are family then. Get in."
The woman moved aside to let them past.

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