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Cami had woken up at 4 and had gotten her things ready. The suitcases were at the door, and in half an hour, Derec and Serena arrived to help out. Serena made a quick snack for Lilly and Aiden and also packed up something for the car ride.

In another ten minutes, the friend group arrived, and they all gathered in the living room with their suitcases put to one side. The room was filled with chatter and laughter as they thought about how exciting the journey was going to be and where everyone was going to sit.

Cami silenced them.
"Guys! The driver is coming in about five minutes, so gather your things."-C

Everyone did as Cami said and began gathering their coats and backpacks. They brought the suitcases outside, and once the driver had arrived, they placed all of them in the back before they got in and headed to the airport.

The group had made it on the plane, and they had all settled in, watching a movie on the screens. Cami had decided not to watch a movie and was laying down with Lexi in her arms, trying not to sleep. She sat in between Serena and Derec and had talked to them for the majority of the flight. In another hour, the teenagers had fallen asleep, and Cami's two friends had too after the blonde had told them she'll watch the teenagers and Lexi.

Cami was exhausted. She had slept for only 3 hours since she had spent most of the day planning and organising everything. She tried to keep her eyes open and was failing miserably, so to keep her awake, she decided to watch a movie, hoping that it would have her intrigued enough not to fall asleep. Luckily, with a few glasses of coffee and refills of her secret blood stash, she managed to stay awake until the end of the movie. As the end credits played, the seatbelt sign lit up, indicating that they were going to land soon and needed them to buckle up just in case.

Cami shook Derec awake.
"Derec, get up. Put your seatbelt on and wake the others."-C

It took the man a few minutes to comprehend what was going on before he told Cameron, who was sitting next to him, to wake up. Soon, everyone was awake and were all talking, waiting to land.

Cami was anxious. She was going to be back at the compound after a year and see everyone again. See him again.

"Cami? Hey, Cami."-De
Derec shook her lightly, trying to get her attention.

Cami blinked a few times before looking up at him.

"What's on your mind?"-De
"Nothing, why?"-C
"You're lying. You're thinking about something or someone."-De

Serena added her own comment.
"Klaus, right?"-Se

Cami and Derec both looked over at her.
"Come on, you know I'm right. You're going to see that guy after a year, and from what I've heard, you guys had a messy breakup."-Se

"I'm not worried about Klaus. Like I said, I'm over him. The part of me that loved him was human. I've changed for the better, and so has he."-C

"Why do you always have to be so god damn noble? Just admit to yourself that you're in love with this man."-Se

"Serena, she said she's over him. If she says so, then trust her. You're only saying that because you like the idea of them together."-De

"It's not my fault that they sound like something straight out of a movie. If I had a man like that, I'd never move on."-Se

"You don't even know the guy."-De
"So? I've heard enough about him from Cami and Lil."-Se
"You still don't know him."-De

Cami rolled her eyes as she sat in the middle of them.
"You two need to stop talking about Klaus."-C

"Finally, some words I agree with."-De
"You two are so rude sometimes."-Se
"Serena, I just don't want to hear about past drama. It's all over and done with, so just leave it in the past."-C

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