The Truth Sphere

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Cami, Klaus, Hope, and Lilly had left the ice cream shop about an hour later and were making their way back to the compound when they overheard a group of vampires talking about a werewolf.
Cami looked at Klaus, who put a finger to his lips, indicating for them to say nothing. Lilly, of course, didn't understand what was happening since she was the only one without supernatural hearing.
Lilly opened her mouth to speak, but Cami quickly put her hand over Lilly's mouth. Cami slowly shook her head before mimicking what Klaus had done earlier.
The three all listened to the conversation while Lilly stood silently and held Cami's hand.

"The boss killed Derek today for not listening to his stupid rules."
"If he hears you calling his rules stupid, then we're both as good as dead, so I suggest you shut up about it and do the job he's assigned us to do."
"Why does he need us to spy on the Mikaelson family and Klaus' little girlfriend? What does he want to find out? How nice family outings look like because the only family he has is a brother who he's letting to be tortured?"
"Our job isn't to question. It's to work."
"But why can't we ask questions? I want to know what this 1000 year old werewolf from the other side knows about the boss' family."
"Will you stop asking questions if I tell you what I know?"
"Sure, but do you know anything?"
"More than you. I overheard Derek and Alexander's conversation before Derek got killed today. The boss said that he knows the werewolf, and apparently, he is also the one who killed it. He also said something about the werewolf knowing that if he says anything true, then their soul would be more dead than their body. Whatever that's supposed to mean."
"All this fuss over a werewolf? Seriously, what can this guy know?"
"I don't know, but let's get back to our job."

Klaus quickly took Cami's hand in his while his other hand was holding Hope. He vamped them to a secluded spot, making sure they hadn't been followed or spotted. After Klaus had heard around his surroundings, Lilly let go of Cami's hand and began asking questions.
"What just happened?"-L
"There were vampires spying on us."-K
"I wish I knew, love. There's always someone watching the Mikaelsons' moves."-K
"It's like paparazzi but more sneaky."-H

Cami had zoned out, thinking about how her and Klaus' hands were still linked. His strong fingers were wrapped around hers, and she felt as if she was melting in his touch.
"Are you alright?"-K
Cami shook her head to get out of the trance she was in.
"Yeah, I'm fine. What are we going to do about the plan? Because it sounds like that werewolf isn't going to tell us the truth."-C
"I'm sure Freya will figure out a spell to help with that. If not, then torture is always a good way to get information out of people."-K
"You don't need to torture anyone."-C
"Well lucky for you because Freya is the only person who's allowed into the spooky supernatural afterlife."-K
She smiled at him softly before being interrupted by her phone ringing.

She used her free hand to take the phone out of her back pocket and check who was calling.
"It's my neighbour. I'll be right back."-C
As much as she didn't want to, she let go of Klaus' hand and answered the phone.

Hope was talking to Lilly about something, and Klaus couldn't help but overhear.
"I got you something."-H
"What do you mean?"-L
"I know that your birthday was like 2 months ago, but we didn't get to plan the party we wanted because of everything that happened, but I did get you a birthday gift. I was actually planning on giving it to you at the ice cream place, but we all just got caught up in laughter and such."-H
"That's really nice of you, Hope. You didn't have to."-L
"Of course I did. You're like a sister to me."-H

Hope reached into her front pocket and took out a small purple velvet box. She opened it to show a beautiful ring that had a small red rose with glitter on the fake petals placed on top of it.
Lilly let out a chuckle.
"You remembered."-L
"Of course I did. How could I not? Especially after how much we gushed about wanting someone to give us that beautiful bouquet of roses with glitter."-H
Lilly took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto her finger.
"It's not a bouquet, but it's close enough. Aunt Bekah said that I should get you it on a ring instead because that way, it'd last forever."-H
Lilly smiled brightly before laughing and hugging Hope.
"This is amazing. You are an amazing friend and an even better sister."-L
"I'm glad you like it."-H
Hope pulled away just as Cami returned from her phone call.
"My neighbour thinks there's a dead body in my apartment because of the smell."-C
"Wait, what?"-L
"She's not wrong."-H
"Well, let's hope she doesn't find that out before I get there and do something with the body."-C

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