Sweet Sixteen

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I've lost most of my motivation for this story, so I might discontinue or skip a lot. I'm not sure at the moment, but let me know what you guys think.

Everyone gathered around Klaus, their curiosity piqued and concern etched on their faces. Lilly, in particular, was eager to know what had happened.

"Klaus, where's Cami?"-L

"She's sleeping, love." -K

"Can we see her? Please? What even happened to her anyway?"-L

"Some bad people got a hand of her, but she's fine now." -K
A reassuring smile graced Klaus's lips as he continued, a hint of excitement colouring his expression.

"There's also someone else in there that I'm sure you're excited to meet."-K

Lilly and Aiden's eyes widened, confusion etched on the others' faces. The anticipation hung in the air as Klaus nodded, and the teenagers' expressions shifted from worry to unbridled joy.

Rebekah sought clarification as she watched the young teenagers, her gaze fixed on her older brother.

"Klaus, who's in there?" -R

"Go and see, little sister. Don't make too much noise." -K

The adults exchanged glances before cautiously entering the compound. Peering through the door into the living room, they spotted Cami peacefully sleeping on the couch, cradling a baby in her lap.

Lilly approached the scene, her eyes locking onto Cami and then shifting downward to the infant.

"Oh my god!" -L

Lilly's exclamation echoed through the room, startling everyone, including Lexi, whose cry pierced the air. The group moved closer, their eyes widening as Cami, awakened by her baby's cries, greeted them with uncertainty.


Caroline, captivated by Lexi's presence, spoke in awe.
"Oh my god! Cami, she's perfect!" -CF

Lilly, bubbling with excitement, pleaded to hold the baby, outstretching her hands.
"Can I please hold her?" -L

Cami, filled with joy, granted Lilly's request, handing her the baby as careful as possible. The room buzzed with congratulations, hugs, and whispers, enveloping them in a moment of shared happiness.

Klaus remained in the corner of the room, watching the room buzz with excitement while he remained a straight face. He looked into the crowd, his gaze had never left Cami, and she had pretended not to notice as he followed her every move. His eyes noticed the subtle things about her: the way her hair moved, the way her smile remained persistent as she talked about her daughter, how her eyes were lit up, and how happy she looked. He was happy for her, but he was selfish, and he wanted her to be happy with him, but he was sure she didn't want to see him anymore, as a friend nor a significant other. Now, they were just strangers with old memories.

Cami felt uneasy, but she managed to hide it perfectly in front of everyone. She felt his gaze on her  she hated how he was looking at her. She loved him but didn't want anything to do with him, not anymore, so she decided in her head that once the Dereas brothers were dead, she'll leave New Orleans with Aiden, Lilly and Lexi. She was going to finally leave all the supernatural drama that came with being friends with the Mikaelsons behind. There was no changing her mind. Klaus wasn't going to stop her. She wouldn't let him.

Elijah broke Klaus' chain of thought as he walked up to his younger brother. Elijah followed Klaus' gaze, spotting the young bartender that he was looking at.
"Ah, Camille. Whatever happened to you and her?"-EM

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