The Brothers

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Klaus stormed into the Compound and began looking for his sister and daughter.
He barged into Rebekah's room and found the two girls confronting Davina. He moved towards them and took Davina by the neck and pinned her to the wall.

"How do I save her!?"-K
"There's a beautiful, caring woman out there dying because of you! Tell me the cure!"-K
Klaus tightened his grip around her throat.
Davina attempted to speak but the lack of oxygen made it difficult, resulting in only sounds that Klaus took as a mockery.

"You dare mock me! Tell me the cure witch!"-K
Klaus turned to Hope.
She took a step back, slightly afraid of her dad's current state. Rebekah had noticed and stood infront of her. Klaus took a deep breath and spoke in a lower more calming voice.
"What is it, Hope?"-K
"Maybe she could answer if you weren't gripping onto her neck so tight. She needs to breathe to speak."-H
Klaus turned back to Davina and loosened his grip enough to let her speak but not enough to put her on the ground.
"Tell me."-K

"I made it okay, but I never gave it to him and I would never hurt Cami. Now get off of me!"-DC
Davina used her magic to push Klaus to the ground, breaking a table and vase in the process.
"What do you think you're doing?!"-R
"Saving myself."-DC
Davina looked down at Klaus who was standing up and taking out a piece of glass that had pierced his arm.

"I need an antidote from you!"-K
Klaus spoke with his teeth clenched, using all of his strength to not kill the young woman infront of him.

"I don't know an antidote."-DC
He took Davina by her throat once more making sure to leave no room for air. He squeezed harder making Davina grip onto his hand, trying to pull him away.
Rebekah couldn't help but feel bad for the young witch and put a hand on Klaus' shoulder.

"Klaus, let go of her, she's just a kid."-R
"You didn't seem fazed by that when you wanted to kill the Gilbert doppelganger."-K
"That was different. She tried to kill our family!"-R
"And Davina here is the reason Cami is suffering as we speak!"-K
"Then stop wasting your time and find a cure!"-R
Klaus sighed and let go of Davina.
"We're not finished."-K
Klaus said before storming out the room and looking for the other witches.

"Klaus, is Cami alright?"-AO
Klaus ignored his question.
"You're a siphon. Siphon it out of her."-K
Freya intervened.
"That's not a choice, instead Edmund would drain the magic from Aiden, most likely killing him."-F
"Freya, I couldn't care less about him. If Cami survives, then that's all that matters."-K
"He's a kid."-F

"We were all kids before!"-K
"And look at us now, a thousand years later, still broken and tortured by the memory of our childhood."-F
"You're life was different. You didn't have to watch as we suffered at the hands of our father! Our father who thought me to be nothing more then an abomination!"-K

"I was forced to leave my family and live with our sick aunt Dahlia! I suffered as much as you did! And yes father beat you, and yes he called you an abomination but can you blame him? Look at the way you're acting now Klaus, you're just proving him right!"-F

"Ofcourse you side with him! You are the only one he truly loved, the only one who he loved enough to call his daughter! He loved you and when you were gone, we were forced to live up to poor Freya's name! We were never enough."-K

"Shut up! Just both of you be quiet!"-R
Rebekah had heard the commotion downstairs and had told Hope to stay in her room while she checked on them eventhough she was well aware Hope was listening in.

Klaus and Freya looked at eachother, then at their younger sister.
"Why are you two arguing about ancient history?!"-R
"It's nothing."-F
"It is something because you're bringing up our father which isn't a very pleasant memory if you want me to remind you."-R

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