I Love You, Klaus Mikaelson

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Cami had finally had enough drinks for the night and she said her goodbyes to the employees before heading out in the cold, night air. She checked her phone, hoping that Klaus had called or maybe left a message but she only found a missed call by Will who she had been ignoring for the last few months so yet again she deleted the notification and decided to check for any open hotels or even a motel, she didn't mind, seeing as it was only going to be for one night.

She finally came across an open one and hoped she could get a room this late. She called the desk only to be informed that the hotel was fully booked and she could come back another day. She sighed, starting to reconsider Klaus' offer to go to his house but she would sleep in a guest room and not in his.

She played some music in her headphones, hoping to relax so she could think straight and rationally which she hadn't been doing a good job at recently. She focused her attention to the ground which is why she didn't realise when she bumped into someone. She quickly took out her headphones and looked up at the man she bumped into.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying atte..."-C
Cami caught her breath and stared at the man who had a smile on his face.
"Enzo. Uh, this is a surprise."-C
"Hi sweetheart, how have you been? After what Rebekah pulled, I assumed it would be a long time until I saw you again."-EN
"Alot has happened since then."-C

Cami couldn't help but feel uncomfortable since the last time she had seen Enzo, she had her humanity off and she had made out with him, something she completely regretted. She began fiddling with her fingers, something Enzo noticed.
"I'm sorry if I make you feel uncomfortable, love."-EN

"It's just that last time we talked well.."-C
"I don't think there was much talking."-EN
Cami stared at him in shock.
"I think I misheard you."-C
"I'm quite sure that's not the case but I promise you, I'm not going to do anything like that again. Well unless you'd like to."-EN
Enzo smiled at her.
"Okay, I'm so confused right now."-C
"Then let me clarify, perhaps as we continue walking. It'd be a shame not to enjoy this cool breeze."-EN

"Sorry if I'm a little wary to go on a walk with someone who once asked me to be their murder buddy."-C
"Well love, if I remember correctly, you agreed."-EN
Cami couldn't help but smile.
"Whatever, let's walk. Oh and I've drank quite alot today so just be warned."-C
"If that's the case then you shouldn't be walking. I'll take you in my arms, bridal style if you like."-EN
Cami rolled her eyes at his flirting which she seemed to enjoy especially since she felt oddly sure that he didn't really like her, well not in that way atleast.

"Anyway, you were saying?"-C
"You know, before you offered to carry me bridal style and the answer is no if it wasn't already obvious."-C
"Oh yes, the very illuminating discussion about that gruesome night."-EN
Enzo emphasised the word gruesome making her scoff in annoyance.
"Really? Gruesome?"-C
"Oh I'm sorry, the absolutely horrifying night when your tongue was down my throat."-EN

"Ew, don't ever say that again."-C
"No promises."-EN
Enzo chuckled before continuing.
"I'm not the type of guy to take advantage of a girl who did something not of her free will."-EN
"Thank you, that was oddly sweet."-C
"I don't take you as well you know."-C
"We've talked merely 3 times and you already have your impression of me. I assure you I'm not that easy to figure out."-EN
"Okay then, tell me about yourself. I'm really good at getting people to open up. It's in the job description. So any traumatic experiences you feel you need to get off your chest?"-C
Cami smiled only to realise that her smile wasn't returned.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just messing around. If you really want to talk, I'm always here."-C
"That's very nice of you. No wonder Klaus seems so smitten with you."-EN
"Can we not talk about him tonight? I've had my daily dose of headache for the day."-C
"Then tomorrow?"-EN
"I'm pretty sure I'm going to be hungover tomorrow so that wouldn't work either."-C
"I have a very special concoction if you'd like. How about you come to my place? I have a king sized bed I'm sure we can both snuggle in."-EN

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