Chapter 53: June Jackson

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I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. Why would Hendrix leave me alone with this strange werewolf? And a royal one at that! I swallowed and tried to calm my breathing as the sexy werewolf across from me tried to hold my gaze with her fierce green eyes. She was gorgeous and pristine. Where Catherine wore gowns and curls, this princess was sleek with wide hips and a large chest. Her nails on both her fingers and toes were painted a deep red, and she wore heels with ease. If anything, her garb was like Eliza's, but more fierce.

I had no idea what this wolf wanted from me, but everyone seemed to hang on her every word. "Your Highness..." I started trying to break the awkward silence.

Princess Serena finally stood towering an easy 10 inches above me, although her 4-inch heels may have helped with that. She slowly stepped in my direction drawing closer. "The moment I heard Mr. Moon's single I was determined to meet you."

"Uh... Thank you?" I tried to hold my ground while she drew closer.

"When I heard that the owner of the voice that had caught my heart so, was a human. I was overcome with grief." She rested her hands on my shoulders, and I could feel her claws position so that I couldn't pull away.

"I'm sorry?" I had no idea what this woman wanted from me. Before I could add more, she suddenly pulled me into a tight embrace.

"But now I can't believe how cute you look!" she said in a high-pitched voice.

I froze unable to comprehend what was happening. She then held me at arm's length to where I could see her tail wagging like crazy and her ears perked up high. She had a large smile on her face that shattered her ice-queen visage she had entered with. "E...excuse me?" I managed to stutter.

"Your dress, your hair, and your voice! They are so enchanting! I just want to eat you up!" she said suddenly nuzzling into my neck while holding me close again.

I tried to pull away, but her strength was beyond mine. "But, you won't actually eat me, right?" I said nervously.

I could hear her sniff my hair as she stroked my back. "No. I couldn't bear to destroy such a wonderous creature as you. I just adore cute things!"

I gasped and struggled a bit more to be released. "I... I don't understand. Can you please let me go?!"

She finally released me and I fell back into my chair feeling frazzled. She quickly knelt and held my hands in hers. Her tail was still wagging so quickly I thought she was going to start flying. "If only you weren't that petty vampire's human. I would mark you in a second and keep you with all my cute things."

"Uh, right. Pardon me for pointing this out, but this doesn't seem like your normal personality."

Princess Serena finally took a calming breath and stood back up. Her tail had finally stopped wagging as well. "As the first princess of werewolves I must keep up a certain appearance. I need to strike fear and respect to all those beneath me, but I can't seem to help myself when I find something cute." She then placed her hands on my waist and picked me up with ease. She then sat in my chair and sat me on her lap. "I have all sorts of pets like rabbits, chinchillas, birds, puppies, kitties, and hamsters back home. I even have an adorable snake or two. I normally avoided humans, but I'd make an exception for you." She started to stroke my head.

I quickly pulled away and ran over to her original seat. "Look, I'm not some pet," I said frustrated.

The werewolf princess frowned and drooped her ears. "I guess not. With a voice like yours you could take the continent by storm. That's why I wanted to meet you. I want to make a deal."

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