Chapter 78: June Jackson

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I gripped at Cenderion's coarse shirt as he ran us through brambles and branches. If I even turned my face away from his chest, I'd risk tearing it up or possibly losing an eye. "Please Cenderion, stop!" I yelled trying yet again to reach him. Something was wrong. Even when Cenderion kidnapped me the first time he didn't act so unhinged. Was it only my request for some time and distance that brought him to this state?

Cenderion stopped running this time and looked down to face me. His black eyes making me long for his chocolate brown ones. "Yes, My Queen?" he asked playfully.

I tried to squirm from his hold, but he held me tight to him. "Can't we talk about this? Just put me down and we can figure everything out." I said calmly. All the while my heart thudded harshly against my chest.

"Hmmm. No." he said continuing to walk towards where he was initially running.

"What?! What the hell is going on, Cenderion? This isn't like you." I shouted straining against him again.

"I tried to talk, but you shut me out. You left me fretting for days, Lily. That is no way to treat a king." Cenderion said without looking at me.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you. I just—" I took a breath to ease my anxiety and anger. "—I was only thinking about how I was feeling. I wasn't sure I could trust you, and for some reason that hit me deeper than I expected. I wasn't ready to listen to you then, but I'm ready now." I said hopefully. Cenderion stopped again and finally put me down. I staggered to a stand and faced him feeling waves of relief. I was reaching him.

"Alright. This is what is going to happen. We are going to get married at a wonderful, but small ceremony." He said stepping towards me. I backed away, and felt my relief quickly leave me. "We will then elope to my tree for our honeymoon where I will drown you in pleasure for the many nights to come. Once you are mine, both body and soul, we will rule the dryads and the after realm together. Your heart does not need to be in the equation, but you will enjoy this more if you let it." He continued to back me into a tree then lifted my chin to force my eyes to meet his.

I could feel tears collect in my eyes. This wasn't the Cenderion I knew. The one who fed me delicacies just to see me smile, the one who discussed his passion for literature in a way that made me open to new possibilities, and the one who held me while I cried when I was the most vulnerable. How could he not care if my heart was in it?

"You said you loved me..." I whispered feeling disappointed in him and myself.

Cenderion smiled and once again wrapped me into a tight hug against him. "And I do. I want to love you for all eternity. All it takes is an 'I do' from you."

I pulled away and shook my head. My tears were falling freely as anger welled up again. "No! This isn't love! Love is performing selfless actions and devoting yourself to making the other happy. Its mutual and gradual, but strong and lasting. We were building it! We were getting there, but now you're ruining it!" I shouted. I froze. That was why his betrayal had hurt so much. I was falling for him, but I didn't even realize it. I was looking forward to our read-alouds and chats. I was starting to dress up a bit when I met him just to impress him. What have I done?

Cenderion's black eyes flickered back to their dark brown ones, and his twisted smile vanished. "Lily, I'm sorry! I don't want to do this to you." He said with immense pain.

"Then why are you?" I replied wiping the tears off my face.

He held his chest and bent over with pain flashing across his features. I reached my hand out concerned, but it was quickly seized by Cenderion's own. His black eyes came up to meet mine once again. "Because you left me no choice."

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