Chapter 77: Jimmy Keller

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Changer of POV

I was so close to solving the fucking mystery, that I could taste it. At first, I thought it was Hendrix that was the freaky one. I mean, who the fuck holds another vampire hostage to just babysit an average, maybe slightly above average, human girl? Virgin or no, that's just a whole 'nother level of douche-baggery. But now I'm getting that there is something freaky going on with the human. That damn dryad's overreaction should have been my first clue, but again I just assumed the dryad was the freak.

That crystal incident in the elf's lab was my first real clue that something wasn't being said. The way Hendrix and his human squirmed as the elf analyzed that crystal was beyond sus'. Her involvement with Destin Moon and apparently both the vampire and werewolf princess, also sus'. Her chia pet hair confirmed my suspicions, and now I was on the hunt for information. Not that I could tell anyone anything with that damn contract, but it would sate my own curiosity.

I pressed my ear closer to the door. Despite how aloof Destin Moon thought I was being, I was actually listening very closely to what happened behind closed doors. All I kept hearing, however, was music. Either this music had something to do with the human, or the music was a ploy to drown out what was really happening in that room. Some other observations I'd made was that Hendrix fed from the human sporadically and his prissy maid occasionally brought some blood drawing equipment to where ever the human was. I had also not seen Hendrix feed from any other human or drink blood from the glass or bag. There was no way the human could supply all his blood needs on her own; not with her running around and being as energetic as she was. There was something missing here, and I was pretty sure it had something to do with my little charge.

"What are you doing now, Jimmy?"

I quickly stood straight and turned to face Keith. He was holding a large glass of warm blood and his grey eyes analyzed me questioningly. He looked like a proper bodyguard with his suit and neatly trimmed blond hair. Why couldn't Hendrix just use this guy and keep me out of all this?

"Stretching. I saw her highness leave just now, and was getting ready for duty. Because we all know how important that is." I said. My voice was dripping in sarcasm.

Keith rolled his eyes and handed me the glass of blood. "Just take your break, and make it quick this time. You get 45 minutes. No more than that." Keith said harshly. He was still sore that I had gone MIA yesterday for two hours. I was fucking bored out of my mind, so who could blame me. All the little fuck doll did was sleep, eat, and get shut up behind doors. Her bedroom, the greenhouse, Hendrix's office, and now this room. I was basically being asked to stand around like an overpaid bouncer.

I smelled the contents of the glass and felt my fangs extend in anticipation. "Yeah, yeah." I muttered ready to walk off and actually fucking sit for a change. The door suddenly swung open and Hendrix was striding out the door adjusting his shirt.

"Keith. Jimmy. We need you both to come with us." Hendrix said. My little mousy charge scurrying after him.

"Yes, Master Hendrix." Keith said with a nod.

"W—wait a minute! I'm going on break!" I shouted beyond irritated.

Hendrix stopped and glanced at me. "Take it later. We need to check in on something, and June needs her bodyguard."

"What about Rambo over here?" I said gesturing towards Keith.

"He's my bodyguard, and I need him." Hendrix then continued off as if his statement explained everything.

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