Chapter 85: June Jackson

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"This is where you wanted to have a pity party?" Jimmy asked amused.

I looked up from resting my head on my arms and knees. Jimmy leaned against a tree at the edge of the clearing. His black eyes were softer than I was accustomed to, but his smirk sent a wave a humiliation through me. I gripped my legs tighter to my chest.

"I mean, you're a faithful wife. I'll give you that." He said pushing off the tree and lazily moving closer to me. I looked behind me to see that I was sitting curled up at the base of Cenderion's tree.

I shook my head. "I didn't want to be where Hendrix could find me. I was just going to find some place to hide, but I guess I wound up here." I said with a sigh. Cenderion and the community were probably thrilled, but I didn't want to talk to them right now. I didn't really want to talk with anybody.

Jimmy nodded. "Good point. I'm sure the dryads would keep him out if you wanted them to." The trees rustled their agreement.

I huffed and rubbed the tears that fell against my will off my cheeks. "What do you even want?" I asked annoyed.

"Nothing. Just doing my job. As one does." Jimmy said kicking a small stone across the clearing with only a lazy swing.

I watched the dull rock tumble and disappear into a pile of leaves. My chest tightened with another shock of frustration. Hendrix's words played like a twisted record. Was being an angel the only thing that mattered about me? Who I was, or all the things that I went through, meant nothing? I already knew that my looks weren't anything to write home about, and I was practically invisible before. Should I just be happy that this angel thing made me at least interesting? It was the only reason Hendrix would even give me the time of day, and the only reason Cenderion forced this marriage on me. I should just embrace it, but my heart twisted at the thought that I, by myself, was not enough.

"So, what does one do at a pity party? I don't see ice cream or tissues. Not even a bed to throw oneself onto in a dramatic cry for attention." Jimmy taunted.

I glared at him. "Does your job have to include talking?"

Jimmy smirked. "It's a perk."

I groaned and buried my face deeper into my arms. "Just leave me alone." I said with my voice muffled.

"You know, being some prissy being with large fucking wings and a halo does not change who you are." Jimmy suddenly said.

I looked up confused. "Of course, it does. You might say it doesn't, and I might say it doesn't, but it does. Everything's different. I was a nobody before, and now apparently I'm a somebody." I said with tears skewing my vision again.

"But you still feel like a nobody?" Jimmy asked knowingly.

My voice caught, and I sunk back into a ball before I nodded.

"Hmm, seems like the problem isn't with everyone else, but with you." Jimmy said.

I looked up at him through my swept bangs. My silent question hung heavily in the air.

"Look, Angel Cakes. You were always a somebody. Even at your lowest moments where everyone and everything told you differently, you were always a fucking mortal angel. I noticed it the first time I met your stupid ass." Jimmy said annoyed.

I sat a little straighter and scoffed. "Yeah right, you thought I was just another human to cash in on just like every vampire I've come across."

Jimmy shrugged. "True. I did think you were just a human then, but you pissed me off more than the average bitch. You were smart. I only discovered you under that van, because I dropped the fucking keys. And if that wasn't demeaning enough, you had more balls than I did by staring down Terris and refusing to give your little friends up."

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