Chapter 70: June Jackson

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The first book has finally reached 10 thousand views! Thank you to my readers! If you'd like a shout out in the next chapter leave a comment. I really enjoy the feedback and appreciate everyone's kind words. I'll even welcome the unkind ones, as I know I'm still growing as a writer. Please and thank you!

-Lucinda Croft

            I nervously watched the royal werewolf stride over to a bookcase on the wall. With minimal effort she pushed the bookcase to the side and it slid over like it was on a track. Behind it was a white door with pink and blue flowers painted across it.

"Come here," Serena said with a smile.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and gingerly approached Serena and this door. Once I was beside her, Serena opened the door revealing another room. Unlike her minimalistic and modern bedroom this room was heavily decorated with stuffed animals and colorful walls and carpet. There was a large circular bed with a bedspread that looked like whispy clouds, and the pillows like suns and rainbows. Along the wall were some terrariums and bird cages. A couple cats stretched and yawned on towering cat trees, and I noticed a large Saint Bernard raise its head and wag its tail while still lounging on a couch-shaped dog bed. I felt like I had entered an entirely different world—or maybe a preteen's dream.

Serena gently nudged me inside the room and closed the door behind us. "What do you think? This is where I keep everything I find adorable." She sat on a nearby ottoman and removed her high heel shoes. She then giddily ran and jumped onto the bed almost like how a child would.

I rubbed my arm and looked around still trying to absorb what was happening. I knew she said she liked cute things, but this was a whole other level. "It's like a cute factory had a meltdown and exploded globs of cute all over the place." I said while studying a small cat statue on a table.

Serena smiled and cocked her head. Her black tail was swishing across the bedspread. "Thank you! It's the only place I can truly relax and be myself."

I studied Serena for a few moments. This wasn't a trap, and she wasn't trying to trick me. She really enjoyed cute things, and her relaxed demeanor told me all that I needed to know. Despite being a royal werewolf, she was not a threat to me. Once that finally clicked, I felt my shoulders relax a bit. "So, what do you do for fun?" I asked. I found a very pink and overstuffed chair to sit in.

Serena sat up with her ears perked. "That's right! We only have two hours! I need to grab some things." She then quickly leapt up from the bed and ran over to what I assumed was a large closet.

I chuckled and took more of the room in. It was almost nostalgic staring at the dream catchers and those diamond stick-on pictures of cute animals on the walls. My sisters were crazy about those things. A furry warm sensation slinked past my leg. I looked down to see the cats that were on the cat trees were now winding themselves around my legs. One reached up with its front paws and meowed for attention. Their purrs made me smile.

"Why hello to you too." I said while scratching under chins and running my hand down their backs to the tip of their tails. I had fostered cats and kittens since I was five years old. My mother started it up, and we never stopped. We would get feral kittens and try to get them accustomed to humans to increase their chances of finding a nice home. The amount of cats or kittens that went through my home was crazy, but never more than five at a time. As an orange tabby jumped onto my lap, I remembered how the other volunteers in the association we fostered for would call me the "Kitten Tamer." They claimed I just had a way with these feisty little things, and they even gave me a little award. I was six at the time, so I'm sure they were just trying to make me feel special.

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