Chapter 69: June Jackson

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"June, where did you go? I couldn't see or smell you anywhere." Rusty said with some sniffles. I could hear a whine coming into his voice while his ears laid flat against his messy hair. "Was I bad? Do you not like me anymore?"

My heart squeezed as I sat up to cradle the child in my arms. I was so relieved about leaving Destin and this place that I forgot that there were young pups who would miss me. "No, of course not Rusty. I had business to take care of, and I didn't have time to say goodbye."

Rusty smiled a little and looked up to me hopefully. "So, you're coming back? Your busyness is all done?"

I frowned and glanced up to Destin uncertainly. Destin looked back and shrugged seemingly lost. "No, bud. I won't be coming back to the nursery. I'm just here to meet with Destin here." Rusty started pouting again, and I could see the water welling in his eyes. This pup was about to go meltdown if I didn't think of something quick. "But I'll be visiting often. We can catch up like this every time I come. Then you can brag to all your friends. How about that?"

Thankfully the tears stopped and Rusty nodded. "You promise?"

"Well, I try not to make promises I can't 100% keep, so you'll have to ask Mr. Moon here." I said turning to Destin.

Rusty also turned to Destin and gave his puppy dog eyes. "Pwease Mr. Moon?" he asked purposefully saying please wrong to sound cuter.

Destin scratched at the back of his head and his ears went down a bit. It was amusing to see the pompous pop star squirm under Rusty's charm. "I don't see why not... but we'll need to get your parents' permission first."

The pup's tail started to wag like crazy and his ears popped back up as he hugged me again. "Yay!"

I laughed and lifted him off of me, so that I could stand back up. "Speaking of which, where are your parents?" I asked.

"They're busy today. But you know what? I'm going to be a big brother." He said proudly while gripping onto my skirt.

I smile and tousled his hair. "You are?! I bet you'll be a great big brother. You should tell your mom congratulations for me. Now head back to the nursery, or you'll get your nannies in trouble."

Rusty's ears dropped a bit again and his tail stopped wagging. "Will you really come back soon?"

I nod. "Real soon. Now off you get." My fake British accent always made the pups grin and chuckle. Rusty finally released my skirt and started to run off, but I quickly shouted out. "Wait, how did you find me so fast?" That was bugging me now. I had only just walked into the manor. I was maybe on the grounds for only fifteen minutes. Could it have been a coincidence that I ran into Rusty? This was a bit far from the nursery, but he was known to wander.

"I smelt you! I'm a real good sniffer!" Rusty yelled with a smile and then disappeared down the halls.

"That pup has a lot of potential." Destin finally said.

I turned back towards him. "Yeah, I was barely here a quarter of an hour. Isn't that a bit fast to sniff someone out?"

Destin nodded. "Incredibly. But not impossible if he's attuned to your scent, which seems to be the case. Even so, he is awfully young to be able to do that. You've must have made a real impact on him." He suddenly looked me in the eye with an intensity that made me nervous.

"Well, you know... Kids... Now shouldn't we get going? The princess shouldn't be kept waiting." I said quickly changing the subject and walking off to where I estimated the elevator to be.

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