Chapter 74: June Jackson

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I walked down the halls of a stone castle. Rug runners provided a plush warm sensation on my bare feet, which I knew was much more preferable than the cold stone floors. Windows without glass periodically broke up the endless walls, but outside was only darkness. Not even a night sky with a moon or stars was visible. I felt confused. This was a lucid dream. I knew who I was and that I was sleeping, but this scenery was entirely foreign to me. Moving forward I followed an invisible path, as if I was being drawn to a certain destination. After ascending a spiral staircase, I came across a weathered wooden door and felt the urge to open it.

With a loud creak the door inched open with quite a bit of effort from me, and I was surprised to see the vampire of my dreams sitting at an armchair with a book in his hands. He was staring at me confused with an eyebrow raised. His long brown hair was loose from its tie, and his crimson eyes studied me.

"Uh, hi." I said unnerved. I never stumbled on a figment of my imagination before.

Geralt calmly closed his book and placed it on the end table next to him. He then stood and came closer as if to receive me. He was still wearing dated clothing, but they were simpler and lighter. It was almost like he was preparing to bed down for the evening—if it was evening.

"Well, this is a first. I've never had anyone visit my dream space before," Geralt said both amused and curious.

I blinked. I couldn't understand what he was saying. Dream space? Like going into people's dreams? Can people do that? But if I was entering his dream space, then that meant he was visiting mine the last couple times I met with him. Which meant he wasn't a figment of my imagination.

"Are you saying that you're not just a figment of my imagination?" I asked horrified. Inwardly I pleaded for him to say that wasn't true—that he was in fact just some crazy combination of facial features and hormones that my close to psychotic brain managed to whip up.

Geralt smiled, and a fang flashed in the candle light. "Finally figured it out, eh? Third times a charm."

I stumbled back, but the door had closed behind me. "No. Wait.'re actually real? Like real, real?" I asked.

The vampire smirked and gestured to another armchair that appeared the moment he gestured to it. "I think you'll want to sit down."

I numbly stumbled to the offered chair and reexamined our past meetings in my mind. I had flirted with him. I had touched him sensually. I freaking kissed him! Once I took a seat I buried my face in my hands feeling the heat flare in my cheeks.

"To answer your question, yes. I'm as real as you are." I peaked through my hands to see Geralt calmly sit back into his armchair.

"Then how are we meeting like this? Is it common for people to just meet up in dreams while on this continent?" I asked finally dropping my hands.

Geralt waved his hand over the ground between us and a table appeared with a tea set. "Tea?" he asked while he poured a cup with awe inspiring grace. I nodded thinking I would need to drink something to keep myself from screaming in embarrassment. I took the warm cup as he started to pour himself one. "There are not many who know how to travel between dream spaces. It requires a lot of magic, and a very strong will. It's also a banned practice as it allows you to infiltrate people's most private thoughts and it can be used to manipulate or influence weaker minds." He calmly sipped on his tea once he finished and I followed suit. The warm tea was sweeter than I expected and it warmed me easing my embarrassment to a tolerable level.

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