Chapter 96: June Jackson

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Fourth one down.

They were definitely after me, or at least they acted like they wanted me to do something. After I handed the unconscious Rusty to the dryad sitter, I tested out a few things. First, I noticed that no matter how scary or aggressive they approached me they never actually attacked me. Second, once they caught sight of me, I became their new focus. Not heard or smelled, but actually saw me. And third, they wanted me to go with them. Whenever I tried to move away from them or tell them to go away they acted all ferocious, yet when I moved in a direction they wanted or approved of they relaxed and watched me closely.

The shades knew me. I didn't know how, but they knew me and they wanted me to go with them. I would come to the conclusion that it was due to the angel inside me, but that didn't seem to be the case. They didn't know that I could purify them, so they often let their guards down around me making my job a lot easier. They also never moved to restrain, neutralize, or diminish my possible threat. If they really thought that I was the mortal angel I was, they would be more organized and desperate to keep me in check or under their control. They wouldn't be so drastically underestimating me like this. It was almost as if I was the batch of clearance cookies at the grocery store. She wasn't on the list, but since we're here.

There were only two options at this point. They truly did underestimate the power or significance of a mortal angel, or they didn't know I was a mortal angel. I was leaning towards the second option, as demons did not seem dumb. But if they didn't know what I was, why were they after me? I couldn't make heads or tails of it, but I couldn't keep testing theories. I've already come across a dead human and a dead werewolf. My heart still clenched at the sights. I had never seen a dead body before, but I knew I never wanted to see one again. These creatures may be pulling their punches for me, but other people were dying at their claws. I needed to do more than pick off the stragglers.

I hadn't entered the estate yet. I had been meandering outside, because I felt safer in the sunlight. Maybe I should head inside if I really wanted to make a difference. I followed the exterior of the enormous mansion looking for the next entrance or exit. The sound of music caught my attention, and I followed it to an abandoned boombox resting next to an outdoor lounger. A towel and some suntan lotion were also laid out with a spilt glass on the ground. I guess someone's sunbathing was interrupted.

This was more proof that no one saw the shades coming, but where did they actually come from? This property was way too secure and protected for them to just come in through the front gate. I knew about the packs of wolves that were once human that patrolled the front lines. I knew about the gate that checked all who wished to enter. I also knew that werewolves in themselves were powerful creatures who could have prevented their inner-sanctum from being blind sighted like this. They loved their young, and I shuddered to think what would have happened had Destin not taken me to see them for my surprise.


I jumped and swerved around. Yet another gigantic black wolf with black glass-like eyes. I sighed and prepared myself. My hair was already past my shoulders, but I was still in good condition. I wasn't worn out yet, but this was getting a bit old.

"Look, I'm not going with you. Just go back to where you came from." I said as if a firm conversation was all it would take to get these shades to pound sand.

Surprise, surprise, it snarled and flashed its fangs. What I wasn't expecting was for it to actually lunge at me. I stumbled back and rolled over to cover my sensitive parts before it was looming just above me. I waited for the crunch or slash that never came. I felt its hot breath on the nape of my neck and my upper back, and then I felt my shirt tug around my abdomen and chest. My torso was lifted off the ground, and I was forced to stumble to a stand. I looked back and this damned beast was holding me by the scruff of my shirt with its teeth.

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