Chapter 65: June Jackson

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Sorry for the late post. Happy Fourth of July to all my American readers!

-Lucinda Croft

I meandered down the manor's halls while fiddling with my freshly cut hair.

After the heart to heart with the Angel's Heart Hendrix had taken me to my room and summoned Mary. I only had a short while to admire my long copper hair before the composed vampiric maid arrived. To say she was surprised was an understatement. She had a similar reaction to Hendrix's.

"Just cut her hair back to normal and dispose of the hair where no one can see it." Hendrix said unbothered by Mary's panic. It was almost as if he hadn't done the exact same thing only an hour or two earlier.

While Mary was shearing me with scissors like some neglected sheep, I glanced at Hendrix who was watching the process intently. I was nervous that the hair would be like Hercules's string of fate, and that the scissors wouldn't be able to cut this ridiculous mane, but the concern proved unwarranted.

"So, I'm an angel." I said watching Hendrix.

Hendrix flinched and met my eyes while Mary froze. "She knows?" she whisper-yelled at Hendrix.

"Yes, she knows." I answered a little irked she was talking as if I wasn't there. I redirected my attention to Hendrix. "And you're supposed to protect me."

The businessman of a vampire sighed and nodded. "I had made a foolish deal without really knowing how steep the task would be."

"Okay, but from what?"

"The Minister of Darkness and his ilk of course." He seemed surprised that I didn't understand that. Mary had resumed cutting my hair.

"What would they want with me?" I had an idea, but I wanted to hear it from someone.

Hendrix shrugged. "To kill you. To capture you. To use you. Honestly, I don't know for certain, but it won't be anything good. You're basically the one thing angels have in the After Realm that could contest the Minister of Darkness's hold and influence."

I clenched the arms of the chair I was sitting in. "But they don't know I exist, right? I'm not in any real danger."

Hendrix shook his head. "With the way your angelic energy seems to keep causing... issues, it's only a matter of time. And worse still the angels don't know you exist either, so we can't rely on their protection or support."

"Couldn't we send the angels a letter or something. Like hey, you forgot something..." I said.

Hendrix chuckled. "We could, but we risk the letter leaking into the wrong hands. We might make the situation worse. That's actually what I was meeting those imbeciles for. I'm supposed to be meeting with an elf from Alturess next week. I'm hoping to get in contact with a unicorn to ensure a more direct line of communication." By imbeciles I assumed he meant the vampires responsible for my broken arm and now my impromptu haircut.

"I see." I really didn't know what to say. I wasn't sure how this information changed things. It made me more aware of how I needed to remain invisible, but that hadn't worked so well since the day I went to that stupid market.

Hendrix leveled his gaze and crossed his arms. "How are you so calm about this? You just found out life-changing news that could possibly cost you your life?"

I smiled weakly. "I wish I could say this was the first time I'd received life-changing news." I thought back to the day of my diagnosis and the battle I faced. "Cancer may not be the same as being some secret magical creature, but the outcome is similar. I just need to face the situation head on and do what is necessary. No use in crying and complaining on things I can't change."

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