Chapter 83: Lannister

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Happy Labor Day! I would like to thank my dedicated readers, and I have been really enjoying the comments and messages from them. Please enjoy the chapter and feel free to vote, comment, or share with a friend!

-Lucinda Croft

Change of POV

There was no movement. No exchanges. No passing of hands. We had been waiting and monitoring here for weeks, but nothing of note was happening. Demons were patient, however. Unlike the stories I was told as a young foal, they were meticulous and careful. If anything could be said about these plagues of our realm, they were ambitious. Even with their ring master sealed away, they continued to pick and scavenge. Now things have changed. The seal was breaking, the angelic forces had been weakened, and shades were being released into Vania.

The fools of Vania had no idea the dangers that we had been fighting and keeping at bay back in Alturess. Through the grace of angels we were barely able to maintain our position, but now those cowards are finally going for the easy mark. Vania was just sitting here like a ripe peach ready and willing to be devoured. Mostly made up of the loathsome creatures of vampires, werewolves, and humans. They regularly bathed themselves in gluttony, greed, lust, and pride. All tasty snacks for a shade or demon. Angels would never set foot here, and so there was no angelic protection to be had. Demons had left this country well enough alone, knowing that it would always be an easy conquest. They focused their efforts on weakening Alturess instead, but we knew better than to leave Vania completely unsupervised.

We noticed activity at the border a little over a month ago. I still remembered when I tasted that vile demonic residue in the air. My comrades and I were trained in how to remain undetected while scouting or pursuing a threat. A large werewolf, a human girl, and her cat were put in a shipping container. We snuck onto the vessel that transported them past the barrier and continued to follow them here in the city of Wisteria. The werewolf and human and gone separate ways, but both remained here in the city.

I fumbled for the potpourri in my pocket and brought it to my nose for a long inhale. The Angel's Heart petals soothed the acrid demonic energy that swirled everywhere in this damned place. The energy was especially heavy and sickening around those two, so I was certain they were hosts of shades. But why? They hadn't caused any mayhem since they arrived, and Hoen and Tala were making certain that the shades didn't jump hosts. They regularly checked in with the suspects.

A knock followed by a triple knock shook the rickety door to our temporary abode.

"All is well on high." I responded and flicked my hand to unlock the door from the other side of the room.

Tala with her periwinkle to silver hair and purple eyes came in first. She looked tired. Only taking a nap every four hours would do that to you over time. Her elongated ears twitched as she yawned. Hoen came in after her. His pink hair was better maintained and his topaz eyes more focused. That was to be expected of Hoen. He was the leader of our group despite being an elf. He had been a host for an angel before. It was considered the highest honor to be granted such a privilege. His experience and natural sense when it came to demons and how to outwit them was what pushed him into a leadership position above a unicorn such as myself. I didn't mind it, as I found Hoen more than deserving of the position.

"Anything?" I asked.

Hoen shook his head. "The werewolf is still visiting the brothels, and the human seems to have been sold to a slave vendor." He said.

"The shades still haven't jumped hosts?" I asked surprised. A brothel would be an excellent place to spread chaos. Just what were they waiting for?

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