[21] Hiro's very own Bay-Meow

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Wattpad was being a butt and won't let me post pictures -.- so if the picture doesn't work, I'll try to do something about it. It's finally summer! :D which means I'm officially a junior in high school! uwu I get to update more often than the last time! Anyways! Enjoy this one shot! :) - ChinitaPlease

You heard a loud thud, and many objects being dropped to the ground. You blinked at Tadashi who smiled down at you and wraps his arms around your waist.

"Hiro is working on his project." Tadashi replies, kissing the side of your head.

"What is he working on?" You asked, fixing your robot panda bear. Tadashi shook his head and gestured that he'a not saying anything by zipped his lip.

"I see how it is." You pouted and began continued to work on your robot panda because you didn't know what to do exactly. Plus you love panda bears!

Then all of a sudden both you and Tadashi heard a really loud explosion and the whole electricity went out.

"Oh Hiro..." Tadashi sighs, walking to the garage to where Hiro is at. And behold! In the dark dark dark garage, is Hiro.

There's Hiro still working on his project with a flashlight, so focused on his project that he didn't hear both you or Tadashi enter the room.

"What caused the explosion?" You exclaimed, scaring Hiro. Hiro turned around and laughed nervously, pointing at the small cat bed.

"I was trying to make a charger for my project and it kind of sorta exploded." Hiro says, smiling sheepishly at both you and Tadashi.

"Want me to help, little bro?" Tadashi asks, patting Hiro's shoulder. Hiro sighed in defeat and nodded his head. After few hours of helping Hiro with his project, the three of you finished Hiro's new project!

"Tadashi, [Y/N], meet Bay Meow!" Hiro grins, holding up a robot cat that looks exactly like Baymax! But with a cat's body.

"Hello, I am Bay Meow. Your personal animal companion." Bay Meow says, his tail swaying happily.

"Aw! He's just like Baymax! But a cat!" You squealed, Hiro handed him over to you.

Bay Meow purrs as you gently pet him, Bay Meow nuzzles into the crook of your neck.

"How long did it take you to make, Bay Meow?" Tadashi asks, standing behind you, petting Bay Meow.

"It took me a really long time to make Bay Meow! I started this a few months ago and now I'm finally finished making him!" Hiro grins happily.

Then a huge walking marshmallow enters the dark garage, Baymax looks around, blinking at everyone.

"I sense another presence aside from Tadashi, Hiro, and [Y/N]." Baymax says, until his eyes landed on Bay Meow, the robot cat in your arms.

"May I hold him, [Y/N]?" Baymax asks politely, holding out his arms. You smile and handed Bay Meow to Baymax.

Baymax "smiles" and held Bay Meow close to him, petting the robot cat happily.

"Robot baby! Robot baby!" Baymax says as he continues to pet the robot cat. Bay Meow purrs happily, nuzzling himself against the robot nurse.

Then Mochi enters the room, he blinked a Baymax and the robot cat. Mochi hissed at Bay Meow, trying to nudge Bay Meow out of the way.

"I am sensing a negative energy coming from the robot baby and the hairy baby." Baymax observes, looking down at both Bay Meow and Mochi.

"Looks like Mochi is jealous of Baymax paying attention to Bay Meow." Tadashi chuckles, Hiro laughs and took Bay Meow out of his hands and placed Mochi in Baymax's arms.

Mochi purrs happily as Baymax began to pet him, you chuckled and gently pet Bay Meow whose now hissing at Mochi and being Baymax together.

"Hey, Tadashi?" You murmured, Tadashi hummed and looked down at you. You grinned at him and poked his side.

"I think you'll have to make another Baymax just for Bay Meow." You grinned at him, Tadashi laughs. The lights finally came back on, blinding you.

"Looks like I do have to make another Baymax just for Bay Meow." Tadashi chuckles. Though, Tadashi knew that the two of you would need to work on it for a few months.

Updated! uwu this one shot didn't go as I planned it to ._. Though, I like it! Mochi and Bay Meow are rivals now! XD Fighting for Baymax's love and affection! More one shots will come later! Maybe tomorrow ^^ - ChinitaPlease

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