[24] Cheater cheater!

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Sorry for not updating in weeks! :( I was in California for two weeks for my summer vacation and I didn't have good wifi, plus I was constantly being dragged to places too. Oh! And THANK YOU FOR OVER 100k READS! :D - ChinitaPlease

"How could you cheat, Tadashi!??" You screamed, pushing Tadashi while glaring at him with anger.

Anger was pulsing through you. Oh! You're not angry at all! You were furious! So furious that you wanted to punch the Hamada in the face!

And you would gladly punch him right at this moment, but Tadashi was holding your wrists together. Refraining you from punching him or cause any physical damage.

"I didn't cheat! I swear!" Tadashi exclaimed, trying to calm you down.

"Don't bother lying to me, Hamada! I saw it with my own eyes!" You screamed, squirming in his grasp.

"Well you're not wearing your glasses! You're just seeing things, [Y/N]!" Tadashi said back, trying to keep himself calm.

Tadashi was always clam when it comes to arguments. And you? Well... You either scream, cry, growl, or... Well any other emotions aside from being calm. You're just so stubborn!

Right now, you were furious! And everyone around you didn't know what to do! You guys never argue as much!

"Guys calm down!" Wasabi called out, trying to calm the two of you.

"Stay out of this, Wasabi!" You growled, Wasabi yelped and backed off.

"I agree with Wasabi here! You guys need to calm down!" Fred spoke up, but none of you listened. Both you and Tadashi continued to bicker.

"Calm down! I never see you guys like this before!" Honey Lemon says, worried about both you and Tadashi. The two of you were still arguing, you're fuming with anger!

"I didn't think this was serious." GoGo murmured, chewing on her gum like she usually do all the time.

"They always get into these types of arguments. Always yelling at each other about who cheated or not." Hiro sighed, watching his brother argue with his girlfriend.

"You're a cheater, Tadashi Hamada! A cheater! Cheater cheater!" You growled, trying to pull away from Tadashi.

"It's not a big deal, [Y/N]." Tadashi says in a low tone, only to set you off even more.

"Not a big deal he says! NOT A BIG DEAL!??" You screamed, smacking him in the chest over and over.

"It's actually not a big deal at all." Wasabi spoke up, you glared at him. Wasabi cowered behind GoGo (I ship it *cough*) in fear.

"How could you not make a big deal out of this situation!?" You exclaimed, puffing your cheeks out in frustration.

"Everyone cheats on Monopoly! It's a game where people like to cheat!" Tadashi says, you pout and walked off.

Tadashi chased after you while trying to calm you down. Everyone stood there in silence. Everything was awkward, until Honey Lemon spoke up.

"Wow, they're pretty serious when it comes to someone cheating on Monopoly." Honey Lemon laughs nervously, fumbling with her phone.

"Yea, but it's funny to watch it." Hiro spoke up, laughing at Tadashi and your relationship.

Updated! I know! Finally right!? Do you like that plot twist? XD nice plot twist right? I bet you didn't expect that! I'll try to update more often ^^ I was on a vacation and I couldn't update ._. But hey! I updated! ^.^ - ChinitaPlease

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