[27] Toddler Tadashi

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It's been a while huh? Well! Here I am! ^^ finally updating after two months! Thank you for those who still (surprisingly) read this book, comment and vote! Thank you all so much! :) I'm going to try my best to update! But no promises though, I don't want it to be an empty promise! - ChinitaPlease

You stared at the sight in front of you, your eyes was huge, your mouth was agape. You were speechless!

"Hiro... What happened to Tadashi?" You whispered, looking at the younger Hamada who laughs nervously and scratched his messy hair.

"Well both Tadashi and I were trying to build this machine and I guess Tadashi was in the machine when I was messing with the buttons! And now Tadashi is..... A toddler." Hiro says, biting his lips as he looked at his brother who is now... A toddler.

Tadashi looked up at both you and Hiro in wonder, his adorable brown orbs sparkling with interest.

"You're to pretty!" Tadashi squeaks out, Tadashi walked towards you and wraps his arms around your mid torso, nuzzling his face against your stomach cutely.

"This is so weird seeing Tadashi like this." Hiro commented, watching his big brother (who is now a toddler), clinging onto you like a baby koala ever so cutely.

"I love you, [Y/N]!~~" Tadashi coos, making adorable noises as he snuggle against you, rubbing his face against your stomach.

"I love you too, Tadashi!" You squealed at Tadashi's cuteness, wrapping your arms around Tadashi, leaning down and planted a soft kiss on Tadashi's head.

"Okay, [Y/N]! I'm going to try to figure something out to reverse this situation an turn Tadashi back to his young adult self while you take care of Tadashi!" Hiro instructed, you nodded your head.

"Okay! Tell me when you have the whole situation figured out and solved! Both Tadashi and I will be wherever!" You said, Tadashi nodded his head and ran back to San Fransokyo Institute of Tech to try to reverse the machine.

"[Y/N]! Do you know that you're very pretty?" Tadashi asks bashfully, his face turning slightly red, giggling softly. You couldn't help but smile at how adorable the toddler Tadashi was.

"And do you know that you're very cute, Tadashi?" You cooed, gently poking his nose, Tadshi covered his red face and giggle.

"I'm not cute! I'm handsome, right?" Tadashi asks, staring up at you with huge puppy dog eyes, making you melt at his cuteness.

"Tadashi you're handsome when you're my age! But for now, you're so adorable that I just want to kidnap you and make you mine!" You squealed, gently pinching Tadashi's red cheeks.

"But aren't I'm already yours, [Y/N]?" Tadashi asks cutely, tilting his head to the side slightly while giving you puppy dog eyes.

You smiled and nodded your head, sitting down on a chair in the Hamada brother's bedroom.

"What do you and to do, little Tadashi?" You ask, smiling at the adorable toddler in front of you.

"Hide and seek! Hide and seek!" Tadashi chants cutely and eagerly, hopping on the balls of his feet adorably with a huge grin on his face.

"Hide and seek it is! I'll count and you hide!" You smiled, Tadashi grins widely, nodding his head eagerly.

You covered your eyes and began counting from one to twenty while Tadashi ran off to find the perfect hiding spot.

As time passes why, both you and Tadashi would play hide and seek with each other. And would of then build things with each other, etc.

That's when Hiro ran into the room, only to walk in on both you and Tadashi laying on his bed, reading a small fairy tale book.

"Oh! Hey, Hiro." You smiled, sitting up from the bed with Tadashi in your arms, sucking on his thumb. Which was pretty adorable!

"I figured it out!" Hiro breathed, both you and Tadashi trade looks with each other before looking back at Hiro.

"Lets go!" You said, getting up from the bed and carried Tadashi to SFIT.

~ At SFIT brought to you by Hiro tossing Mochi up the stairs ~

"Okay! Now, go into the machine Tadashi and you'll be back to your normal self!" Hiro says, Tadashi walked into the machine. The door closed.

"Okay! Here we go!" Hiro breathed, pressing a few buttons on the machine and pulled down the lever.

Lights began to emit from the machine, blinding both you and Hiro. The two of you shielded your eyes and finally the lights died down.

The doors of the machine opened, revealing Tadashi. He was back to his normal self, no more toddler Tadashi in sight.

"Tadashi!" You breathed, running towards Tadashi and hugged him tightly. Tadashi laughs and twirled you around.

"Sweet! You're back!" Hiro grins, cheering loudly about how he finally figured out what made the machine malfunction.

Tadashi set you back down on the ground and cupped your face in his hands and press his lips against yours.

"Oh gross." Hiro groaned in disgust, shuddering in disgust when he saw the two of you kiss.

Boom! Updated! I'm glad that I finally got to update! I'm hoping to update more on my Thanksgiving break, but we'll see! Hopefully I can! More one shots will be posted soon! ^.^ Thank you for reading :)) - ChinitaPlease

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